Tag Archives: sustainability

Transportation, the Environment, and Legislation: Thinking Outside the Box

white electric self-driving vanBy Kathryn Hebert

Transportation systems produce the largest percentage of greenhouse emissions in the US (more than 28 percent). President Biden is committed to addressing environmental issues through his multi trillion-dollar infrastructure proposal.

Last December,  the governors of 13 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, plus the District of Columbia, signed an historic multi-jurisdictional memorandum of understanding called the Transportation Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P), which commits each state and identifies policies that advance environmental programs to improve quality of life, create jobs, and maintain critical mobility sources. The goal is to decrease greenhouse carbon emissions by 26 percent in 10 years and increase investments in an equitable, cleaner, and more resilient transportation system.

The TCI-P will cap carbon dioxide emissions from gasoline and on-road diesel fuel and require suppliers to purchase allowances for carbon emissions produced by fuel covered by the cap.  It is expected that the cap will decline over time, which will translate into reduced emissions.

What does this have to do with parking?  Parking is critical to the implementation of many environmental programs and projects and will continue to play a major role. During the pandemic, we all learned to pivot, adjust, repurpose, and leverage parking assets to create economic activity and opportunity. There is a huge opportunity for the parking industry to step up and be part of the process, the program, and the future. Vehicles are already transitioning to hybrid and electric and soon thereafter, autonomous vehicles will become mainstream. All these vehicles still need to be parked somewhere.

There are technical, infrastructure, and parking management opportunities everywhere. We are all now talking about curb management and mobility hubs that will safely and equitably manage all mobility sectors. Let’s get together and think outside the box! Read more here.

Kathryn Hebert is president and CEO of TPMConnect and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors.

Considering a New TDM on Earth Day

Illustration of different transportation modes against a green backgroundThe face of commuting has changed drastically since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic last March. Hesitancy toward transportation modes that put us close together with strangers in an enclosed space, a huge increase in working from home where possible, and even lower gas prices (for a time) have seen people reconsider the way they get from home to work and play. So what does that mean for transportation demand management (TDM)?

Stanford University still has demand for TDM. Vanpools are still running, transit is still in use, and while TDM budgets have been cut (along with so many others), there’s still a need for it, and that need will likely grow as life gets back to something resembling normal.

Brian Shaw, CAPP, executive director of parking and transportation services at the university, takes a hard look at how the commuting landscape has changed and what that means for TDM, now and looking ahead, in the current issue of Parking & Mobility. It’s a great read with lots to think about–and the perfect, sustainable kickoff to Earth Day for parking and mobility professionals. Check it out here.

TDM and COVID-19

woman wearing medical mask boarding a bus.TDM–transportation demand management–is a concerted effort to get people to choose alternates to single-occupant vehicles (SOVs), including transit, micro-mobility, and shared rides, to get from place to place. When COVID-19 made social distancing a trend, TDM took a big hit. And now, with several vaccines in use around the world and a return to semi-normal living in sight, experts and leaders are planning for TDM’s recovery and seeing opportunity post-pandemic.

IPMI’s Sustainability Committee hosted a panel discussion with several leading experts in the field to talk about TDM’s future given the effects of COVID-19. And while crowded buses and trains may be a hard sell for a little while longer, the panelists saw plenty of opportunity to advance non-SOV transportation in and around cities and campuses going forward. They shared their thoughts and ideas in the December issue of Parking & Mobility magazine and it’s a great read. Check it out here and let us know on Forum–where do you think TDM is going?

Parksmart Advisor, Online, Instructor-Led Training: January 26, 2021

Register here for this event. $275 for IPMI Members

NoParkSmart Logon-Members may attend for a $495 registration fee. Click the register link above to attend as a non-member.  Need help logging in?

Contact us at professionaldevelopment@parking-mobility.org.


Additional Registration options:

Members Bundle APO Site Reviewer Training and this course for $450. Contact us for a discount code!

Bulk rate discount of 20% available for organizations that enroll seven or more individuals.  Please contact professionaldevelopment@parking-mobility.org to enroll your organization.

Parksmart Advisors lead clients through the certification process for sustainable parking structures. The Parksmart program is now offered under by the USGBC/GBCI alongside the suite of LEED and other sustainability rating systems. IPMI is the USGBC Education Partner providing the education required to earn this valuable certificate.

This is a four-day course. The class will take place on each of the four specified days from 1:00 p.m. EST until 2:30 p.m. EST:

  • January 26
  • January 28
  • February 2
  • February 4

You must attend all four sessions and pass the end of course assessment to become a Parksmart Advisor. All Parksmart Advisors are listed on USGBC’s website. Due to the online interactive nature of this course, this course is limited to 14 attendees.

Learning Objectives:

  • Illustrate and detail the specific management, programmatic, technological, and structural elements of the certification
  • Evaluate a parking facility, including the tools, process, and procedures for submitting facilities for certification
  • Evaluate case examples against the Standard and determine acceptability or changes.
  • Illustrate acceptable versus non-acceptable evidence for certification application.
  • Review the Parksmart scorecard.

Offers 9 CAPP Points or 9 CEU’s. IPMI CAPP points can be applied toward application or recertification.

For more information, contact professionaldevelopment@parking-mobility.org.

International Parking and Mobility Institute is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is accredited to issue the IACET CEU.

Register here.

IPMI Webinar: Curbing COVID-19 at the Curb, presented by Matthew Darst, Conduent Transportation.

Curbing COVID-19 at the Curb

Matthew Darst, JD; Director of Curbside Management; Conduent Transportation

Register here for this webinar.

Or purchase the entire 2021 professional development series bundle.

How we think about traveling and commuting in the cities where we work and live has changed dramatically with the spread of COVID-19 . We drive less, eschew public transportation, and are less likely to use shared mobility devices.  This new definition of mobility has exacerbated declining municipal revenues. Cities and states face a unique challenge: stimulate local economies and generate revenue all while working to reopen responsibly to prevent new hot spots of infection and protect public health.

Curbside technologies offer unique solutions to help fund government programs while safeguarding the public. Curbside technologies can help monitor and mitigate viral spread, provide economic relief to constituents, and create a path for municipal revenue recovery. Cities have an opportunity to quickly pivot and utilize metered parking, permit parking, citation issuance and processing, and data science to achieve critical municipal goals.

Attendees will:

  • Identify curbside strategies for reducing the risk of contagion, providing relief to customers, and helping fund critical municipal goals.
  • Assess curbside data for its effectiveness as an early indicator of people congregating/flaunting social distancing guidelines, the need for enforcement, and the spread of COVID-19.
  • Detail best practices and measure the effectiveness of amnesty and relief programs for constituents and revenue recovery efforts.

Offers 1 CAPP Credit towards application or recertification.


Matthew Darst, JD; Director of Curbside Management; Conduent Transportation

Matt Darst, JD, oversees Conduent Transportation’s analytics team, helping cities use data to better manage curbside resources to promote social equity, improve pedestrian safety, and increase physical distancing during the pandemic. Prior to joining Conduent, he served in the public sector for 16 years.

Register here.

The Benefits of Green Infrastructure

Close-up of grass growing in a bioswale or rain garden for catching rainwater runoff.By Kathryn Hebert, PhD

Green Infrastructure initiatives are used to reduce and handle the excess water storms bring in to urban environments, and even help the environment and economy.

Storm runoff is a greater problem in urban areas where pavement and other non-porous surfaces prevent much of it from soaking into the ground. When rains are particularly heavy, erosion and flooding can occur, causing damage to property and other infrastructure. Stormwater is also a major cause of pollution. The runoff can carry trash, bacteria, and other pollutants with it. Traditionally, the infrastructure to move stormwater safely in cities includes pipes for drainage and water treatment systems.

Green infrastructure installations include a variety of methods to better soak up and/or store water. These could include adding more open space and vegetation such as gardens, planter boxes, green roofs, bio retention/infiltration islands, or swales (a shallow sunken channel) with plants and grasses to help absorb water.

The City of Norwalk, Conn., has made it a priority to include environmental sustainability as part of its 10-year Planning of Conservation and Development plan. The Parking Authority has already started to work on these efforts. In South Norwalk, at the Webster Parking Lot, the authority will install green infrastructure after recent torrential rainfalls flooded nearby buildings several times, including the Bow Tie Cinema. The project envisions adding planters and other types of vegetation, including more trees, to help soak up the water in the lot before it goes into the drainage system. The city received an Environmental Protection Agency grant of $250,000 through the Long Island Sound Futures Fund to help finance the initiative. The project is being run by the office of Transportation, Mobility, and Parking and the Department of Public Works.

The green infrastructure will not only help ease flooding of the Webster Lot and make it more pleasant to look at, but will also help keep Long Island Sound clean. Given the close proximity of the lot to the Sound, adding areas to absorb the water in the lot means fewer pollutants will run into the Sound.  Adding green infrastructure to the lot will prevent more than 6 million gallons of stormwater and 12 pounds of nitrogen from flowing into the Sound annually.

Kathryn Hebert, PhD, is director, transportation, mobility, and parking for the City of Norwalk, Conn., and a member of IPMI’s Board of Directors.

Parksmart Advisor Training


Parksmart Advisors lead clients through the certification process for sustainable parking structures. The Parksmart program is now offered under by the USGBC/GBCI alongside the suite of LEED and other sustainability rating systems. IPMI is the USGBC Education Partner providing the education required to earn this valuable certificate.

This is a four-day course.  You must attend all four sessions and pass the end of course assessment to become a Parksmart Advisor. All Parksmart Advisors are listed on USGBC’s website. Due to the online interactive nature of this course, this course is limited to 14 attendees.


  • Member rate: $275
  • Non-member rate: $495
  • Bulk rate discount of 20% available for organizations that enroll seven or more individuals.  Please contact professionaldevelopment@parking-mobility.org to enroll your organization.

Learning Objectives:

  • Illustrate and detail the specific management, programmatic, technological, and structural elements of certification
  • Evaluate a parking facility, including the tools, process, and procedures for submitting facilities for certification
  • Evaluate case examples against the Standard and determine acceptability or changes.
  • Illustrate acceptable versus non-acceptable evidence for certification application.
  • Review the Parksmart scorecard.

Course Credits: 9 CAPP Points

For more information, contact professionaldevelopment@parking-mobility.org.

Member News: CurbTrac Assembles Industry Leaders to Innovate on COVID-19 Response with Clean Driver Program

PPA CurbTracPilot Grubhub Program Held in Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PA, May 8, 2020 – In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, CurbTrac, a technology innovator in the parking and mobility industries, has launched the Clean Driver Program in partnership with ParkMobile, ParkOps, and Ballparc. The Clean Driver Program provides turn-key solutions for Transportation Network Companies (TNC), taxi companies, food delivery service providers, and corporate fleets to keep drivers and customers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic through PPE distribution sites and automotive sanitation services.  The Clean Driver Program is made possible through the combined efforts and teamwork of numerous parking and mobility technology partners.  Commenting on the launch of the program, CurbTrac CEO Charley DeBow said, “By combining the technology platforms of industry leaders like Park Mobile and Ballparc, alongside the staffing network of Park Ops and the logistics expertise of CurbTrac, The Clean Driver Program provides  clients with a cost-effective solution to quickly and efficiently distribute PPE kits directly into the hands of their drivers as well as provide a sanitation service for fleet operators.”

“ParkMobile is proud to be a part of this initiative to keep people safe and reduce the spread of COVID-19,” says Jon Ziglar, CEO of ParkMobile. “Drivers can easily use the ParkMobile app to reserve an appointment at the distribution site where they can pick up their PPE kits or have their cars sanitized.”

Another technology component of the Clean Driver Program is Ballparc, who will utilize their scanning validation functionality to track driver reservations that are redeemed within their reservation window. Ballparc’s CEO, Taylor Chapman said, “Ballparc is honored to be a part of this program and with partners that are willing to step up and think outside the box when called upon during these unprecedented times. This program is a great example of how vital innovation will continue to be in our rapidly changing industry.”

During the initial pilot for the Clean Driver Program in Philadelphia held this past week, CurbTrac distributed personal protective equipment (PPE) kits to food delivery drivers, courtesy of Grubhub.  The initial pilot program was also supported by the Philadelphia Parking Authority who provided the space for the distribution site. “Ensuring the safety of our community during these times is incredibly important, especially as delivery is one of the only ways restaurants are able to stay open right now,” stated Eric Ferguson, Senior Vice President of Logistics at Grubhub. “While we’ve already extended an easy way for our driver network to access PPE, our partnership with CurbTrac’s Clean Driver Program further extends our efforts and gives drivers in Philadelphia a quick and easy way to pick up the supplies they need – and at no cost to them.”

International Parking & Mobility Institute CEO, Shawn Conrad, also weighed in, stating, “IPMI firmly believes in addressing mobility at all points of a journey – from the first mile to the last, and addressing all aspects along the way. Customer safety and the patron experience remains the first and most important priority. We are proud of all of our members who are innovating, pivoting, and changing the way we handle disruptions to public and private transportation and operations in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The Clean Driver Program by CurbTrac represents the best of our industry – applying creativity, spurring innovation, and bringing communities together. This program, and others like it by IPMI members, serve to achieve big picture goals: protecting public health during the crisis; creating new employment opportunities for those in our industry and beyond; allowing us all to travel more freely and carefully as we reopen cities, campuses, and destinations; and helping our economy recover by getting us all moving again.”

For more information on the Clean Driver Program, visit www.cleandriverprogram.com.

About CurbTrac

Founded by leaders in the mobility payment vertical, CurbTrac is a Philadelphia-based technology company creating innovative solutions for the parking and mobility industries.  The company’s leading product, a centralized parking payment database, provides municipalities, universities, and private parking operators with a fully integrated, multi-app payment system.  The Clean Driver Program is CurbTrac’s latest product and leverages its flexible software, and vast network of partnerships across the US, to quickly scale customized solutions to providing COVID-19 safety measures for Transportation Network Companies (TNC).  The Clean Driver Program launched in Philadelphia to support GrubHub drivers in partnership with the Philadelphia Parking Authority.

About Grubhub

Grubhub (NYSE: GRUB) is a leading online and mobile food-ordering and delivery marketplace with the largest and most comprehensive network of restaurant partners, as well as more than 22 million active diners. Dedicated to connecting diners with the food they love from their favorite local restaurants, Grubhub elevates food ordering through innovative restaurant technology, easy-to-use platforms and an improved delivery experience. Grubhub features over 350,000 restaurants and is proud to partner with more than 165,000 of these restaurants in over 3,200 U.S. cities and London. The Grubhub portfolio of brands includes Grubhub, Seamless, LevelUp, AllMenus and MenuPages.

Lisa DeBow, Principal, Cloudburst Advisory Group
(202) 262-4261

Natalie Gerke, Senior Manager, Communications
(850) 554-5416

Member News: Penn Parking Develops More than 3,000 Face Shields for COVID-19 Healthcare Workers

Penn Parking logoMay 7, 2020- Penn Parking, a Maryland-based parking management company, recently wrapped up the Herculean effort of handcrafting 3,300 PPE face shields for healthcare workers throughout Maryland, Virginia and DC area. The shields are to assist in the fight against COVID-19. Penn Parking leadership, staff and friends worked together to create these vital personal protective equipment resources and donate them to those on the front lines.

Penn Parking delivered the shields to numerous area hospitals and nursing homes. This important project dramatically exceeded the initial goal of 1,000 shields.

Penn Parking CEO Lisa Renshaw stated, “We are on a mission to get our health care workers and first responders the vital equipment they need to keep them and the public safe. We all need to pull together in this crisis.” Lisa went on to challenge every business that is in the position to do so, to please find a way to help in the effort to “slow the spread”

About Penn Parking

Penn Parking is the Only women owned parking management company in US history. She started it by living in her first garage for 3 ½ years. Today Penn Parking manages over 50 facilities in the Maryland, Virginia and DC area. Penn Parking offers a wide range of parking management and consulting services and has provided tailored and budget-friendly parking solutions for over 35 years. For more, visit www.pennparking.com.


Lisa Renshaw
Penn Parking


IPMI Sustainability Framework

International Parking & Mobility Institute’s

Framework on Sustainability for  Design, Management & Operations

Revised on March 2020

Sustainability in parking and transportation means meeting “the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”1 To be successful, transportation solutions and sustainable practices should balance economic feasibility, public health and welfare, and consideration of environmental effects. These sustainable practices work to reduce fossil fuel use and carbon emissions, air and water pollution, and land use.


IPMI serves as a thought leader, information clearinghouse, and driving force for increasing sustainability practices in the parking, transportation, and mobility industry.

1Defnition of Sustainability from the Brundtland Report, United Nations, 1987.

Sustainability Framework image 1

GOALS: IPMI’s Framework on Sustainability identifies several goals, organized into three categories:

Knowledge & Research:

Knowledge & Research:


  • Document case studies and research to create a body of knowledge about best practices in parking, transportation, and mobility.
  • Identify effective, innovative technologies with a proven return on investment that support sustainability goals.
  • Increase education, awareness, and information sharing to disseminate relevant knowledge widely throughout the industry.

Programs & Operations:

Programs & Operations:


  • Prioritize transportation demand management (TDM) and access and mobility management programs that decrease single-occupancy vehicle trips, congestion, and vehicle miles traveled.
  • Decrease reliance on fossil fuels by increasing energy efficiency, using alternative fuels, or generating renewable energy as part of daily operations. Promote fuel-efficient vehicles and accommodate the growing use of electric vehicles.

Planning, Design, & Construction:

Planning, Design, & Construction:


  • Promote practices in planning, design, retrofitting, and construction of parking, and/or transportation (micro-mobility, transit, shared-use vehicles, bike/ped, TNCs) facilities that reduce the long-term environmental effects of land use decisions. Ensure the facilities factor in human mobility needs as well as vehicle requirements.
  • Make informed decisions based on long-term environmental impacts, durability, payback period, and lifecycle costs related to material and technology selection, including effective natural resource management and waste reduction.


IPMI supports this framework through nine specific strategies:

1. Developing and maintaining a comprehensive library of online and face-to-face training on topics related to sustainability, including learning opportunities at the annual IPMI Conference & Expo.

2. Maintaining our strategic partnership with the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), and the Parksmart program--the only sustainability rating system designed for structured parking facilities.

3. Publishing resources through a variety of media, including Parking & Mobility, related trade publications, the IPMI blog, and social media on solutions that reflect a balance between economics, public health and welfare, and reduced environmental effects.

4. Encouraging and recognizing achievements and improvements in sustainable parking and transportation, in partnership with Parksmart, through recognition, press, and awards programs.

5. Providing critical sustainability content through professional development programs, including online training, the CAPP credential, APO accreditation, and the Parksmart Advisor program.

6. Creating forums for peer-to-peer sharing and best practices on sustainable parking design, transportation management, and operations, including established and expanding mobilty options.

7. Developing and sharing research, tools, and resources that result in energy efficiency, informed material and technology selection, the availability of multi-modal transportation options, effective natural resource management, and the use of waste reduction strategies.

8. Forging and maintaining strategic partnerships with government agencies and nonprofit organizations to facilitate goal setting, information sharing, and funding incentives that encourage investing in sustainable parking and mobility solutions.

9. Communicating with media, influencers, and the public to create awareness of the positive effectst parking and mobility professionals can have on sustainability initiatives and outcomes.

Sustainability Library

A Guide to Parking - IPMI coverA Guide to Parking provides information on the current state of the industry, providing professionals and students with an overview of major areas of the parking, transportation, and mobility industry.

More than 30 subject matter experts contributed to this comprehensive volume, including chapters on sustainability, transportation demand management, and more.


Sustainability Parking management hand bookSustainable Parking Design & Management: A Practitioner’s Handbook is the industry’s first reference book on sustainability.




Parksmart & the USGBC

Parksmart USGBC standard imageParksmart defines and recognizes sustainable practices in parking structure management, programming, design, and technology.

Industry-driven and field tested, Parksmart distinguishes the progressively designed and managed parking facilities shaping tomorrow’s sustainable mobility network.

IPMI is the USGBC’s exclusive provider of Parksmart Advisor Training.  Courses educate advisors on the Parksmart program and how to guide owners through the certification process.

Additional Resources

Search IPMI’s Resource Library to explore the comprehensive resources available on highlighted topics; browse categories or search by keyword.

Special thanks to IPMI’s Sustainability Committee and Parksmart community for their ongoing dedication to promoting sustainability in the industry.

Download PDF here

