About IPMI

IPMI - The Largest & Leading Parking and Mobility Industry Organization

If you own a car, use public transportation, go to work or school, use health care, shop,  dine out, or are part of a community, parking affects you. Probably in more ways than you’ve thought about!


About Our Members

The International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI) is the world’s largest association of professionals in parking, transportation, and mobility — professionals who keep all of us moving. Members include:

  • garage owners and operators
  • architects
  • city managers
  • government agencies
  • health care centers
  • universities
  • airports
  • convention centers
  • and more!


Advancing the Parking and Mobility Profession

IPMI works to advance the parking and mobility profession through professional development, research and data collection, advocacy, and outreach. With experts from around the world in dozens of specialties, IPMI helps parking and transportation function efficiently so people, businesses, and communities can keep moving.

Our IPMI Members

IPMI members represent organizations and professionals in all segments of the parking, mobility, and transportation industry.

On every platform and channel, IPMI reaches a large and diverse group of mobility, parking, and transportation professionals.

Members and their colleagues know they will find unmatched publications, education, training, and networking opportunities with IPMI.

Benefits of IPMI Membership

Get connected with the largest and leading organization in parking, mobility, and transportation.

Members receive free training through a variety of programs and events, as well as participate in our online community, Forum.

Download all the details here, and contact us anytime at membership@parking-mobility.org.

IPMI Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the voice of the membership.

The Board has an instrumental role in directing IPMI's initiatives to advance the parking, transportation, and mobility industry and profession.

IPMI Staff Directory

Visit our Staff Directory to get to know our staff, and reach out about specific programs and projects.

IPMI Program Leadership

The APO Board provides leadership and stewards the Accredited Parking Organization program, and the Certification Board leads CAPP, IPMI's unparalleled industry certification.

Chairs lead our various committees and task forces in multiple areas of the industry, providing valuable opportunities for volunteer leadership.

Get Involved with IPMI

Volunteers play a major role in IPMI's programs, operations, and overall direction through our committees, working groups, and more.

IPMI appreciates the dedication and commitment of our leaders who drive so much of the work we accomplish together.  Check out our Volunteer Opportunities here.

IPMI State and Regional Associations

IPMI allies with state and regional parking and transportation associations to advance the profession.

Learn more and get involved. View our affiliated State and Regional Associations and check out upcoming events.

IPMI History

From its beginnings in 1962 to today's organization that connects parking professionals around the world, IPMI's story parallels the increasingly important role of cars and other vehicles in our daily lives.

Learn more about our organization here.

Contact Us

Reach out with your questions and ideas. Submit your article ideas, member news, blog posts, and events.  We love to hear from you!
Email: info@parking-mobility.org
Phone: 1 (866) IPMI-NOW