
Forum is IPMI’s members-only, online community where members can ask questions; share ideas and experiences; add documents, samples, and resources to the robust, searchable library; and network with colleagues from around the world through conversation and an easy-to-use, customizable member directory. A daily digest email makes it easy to keep up with the conversation, which happens every day and touches on all industry sectors.

From newbie FAQs to complex issues facing seasoned executives, Forum is the industry’s premiere place to ask and answer questions, share resources, and get to know each other in a secure online environment.

Getting started on the new Forum is easy:

  1. Visit
  2. Log in at the top left or right of the screen, using the same credentials you use on the main IPMI website. It’s easy to reset your password if you don’t know it–or click the button to request a code to log in without a password (it’s super fast!).
  3. Use the menu on the left side of the screen to post a new discussion, set your personal preferences, and more.

Going forward–and we love this feature–you can post questions to Forum via email; just email your post to and it’ll appear on the site and in the daily digest email.

You’ll continue getting IPMI blog posts and all the conversation from the site in the daily email, so keep an eye out for that. We hope you’ll take a few moments to check out the new site and jump into the conversation. Please let us know if you’d like help – email Melissa Rysak at  (but it’s really easy, we promise). See you on Forum!