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IPMI Sustainability Framework

International Parking & Mobility Institute’s

Framework on Sustainability for  Design, Management & Operations

Revised on March 2020

Sustainability in parking and transportation means meeting “the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”1 To be successful, transportation solutions and sustainable practices should balance economic feasibility, public health and welfare, and consideration of environmental effects. These sustainable practices work to reduce fossil fuel use and carbon emissions, air and water pollution, and land use.


IPMI serves as a thought leader, information clearinghouse, and driving force for increasing sustainability practices in the parking, transportation, and mobility industry.

1Defnition of Sustainability from the Brundtland Report, United Nations, 1987.

Sustainability Framework image 1

GOALS: IPMI’s Framework on Sustainability identifies several goals, organized into three categories:

Knowledge & Research:

Knowledge & Research:


  • Document case studies and research to create a body of knowledge about best practices in parking, transportation, and mobility.
  • Identify effective, innovative technologies with a proven return on investment that support sustainability goals.
  • Increase education, awareness, and information sharing to disseminate relevant knowledge widely throughout the industry.

Programs & Operations:

Programs & Operations:


  • Prioritize transportation demand management (TDM) and access and mobility management programs that decrease single-occupancy vehicle trips, congestion, and vehicle miles traveled.
  • Decrease reliance on fossil fuels by increasing energy efficiency, using alternative fuels, or generating renewable energy as part of daily operations. Promote fuel-efficient vehicles and accommodate the growing use of electric vehicles.

Planning, Design, & Construction:

Planning, Design, & Construction:


  • Promote practices in planning, design, retrofitting, and construction of parking, and/or transportation (micro-mobility, transit, shared-use vehicles, bike/ped, TNCs) facilities that reduce the long-term environmental effects of land use decisions. Ensure the facilities factor in human mobility needs as well as vehicle requirements.
  • Make informed decisions based on long-term environmental impacts, durability, payback period, and lifecycle costs related to material and technology selection, including effective natural resource management and waste reduction.


IPMI supports this framework through nine specific strategies:

1. Developing and maintaining a comprehensive library of online and face-to-face training on topics related to sustainability, including learning opportunities at the annual IPMI Conference & Expo.

2. Maintaining our strategic partnership with the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), and the Parksmart program--the only sustainability rating system designed for structured parking facilities.

3. Publishing resources through a variety of media, including Parking & Mobility, related trade publications, the IPMI blog, and social media on solutions that reflect a balance between economics, public health and welfare, and reduced environmental effects.

4. Encouraging and recognizing achievements and improvements in sustainable parking and transportation, in partnership with Parksmart, through recognition, press, and awards programs.

5. Providing critical sustainability content through professional development programs, including online training, the CAPP credential, APO accreditation, and the Parksmart Advisor program.

6. Creating forums for peer-to-peer sharing and best practices on sustainable parking design, transportation management, and operations, including established and expanding mobilty options.

7. Developing and sharing research, tools, and resources that result in energy efficiency, informed material and technology selection, the availability of multi-modal transportation options, effective natural resource management, and the use of waste reduction strategies.

8. Forging and maintaining strategic partnerships with government agencies and nonprofit organizations to facilitate goal setting, information sharing, and funding incentives that encourage investing in sustainable parking and mobility solutions.

9. Communicating with media, influencers, and the public to create awareness of the positive effectst parking and mobility professionals can have on sustainability initiatives and outcomes.

Sustainability Library

A Guide to Parking - IPMI coverA Guide to Parking provides information on the current state of the industry, providing professionals and students with an overview of major areas of the parking, transportation, and mobility industry.

More than 30 subject matter experts contributed to this comprehensive volume, including chapters on sustainability, transportation demand management, and more.


Sustainability Parking management hand bookSustainable Parking Design & Management: A Practitioner’s Handbook is the industry’s first reference book on sustainability.




Parksmart & the USGBC

Parksmart USGBC standard imageParksmart defines and recognizes sustainable practices in parking structure management, programming, design, and technology.

Industry-driven and field tested, Parksmart distinguishes the progressively designed and managed parking facilities shaping tomorrow’s sustainable mobility network.

IPMI is the USGBC’s exclusive provider of Parksmart Advisor Training.  Courses educate advisors on the Parksmart program and how to guide owners through the certification process.

Additional Resources

Search IPMI’s Resource Library to explore the comprehensive resources available on highlighted topics; browse categories or search by keyword.

Special thanks to IPMI’s Sustainability Committee and Parksmart community for their ongoing dedication to promoting sustainability in the industry.

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