Tag Archives: design

Member News: Rich & Associates Names David Rich Vice President

Southfield, MI (June 18, 2020)—Rich & Associates is pleased to announce the promotion of David Rich to vice president. As vice president, David oversees the firm’s national business development efforts.

“David has been an integral part of the Rich & Associates team since 1986,” said Richard C. Rich, president of Rich & Associates. “He is a tremendous leader and he will continue to help lead our firm well into the future.”

A lifelong parking professional, David Rich joined Rich & Associates in 1986. In addition to overseeing hundreds of parking projects over the past 34 years, he also managed the firm’s business development efforts.

About Rich & Associates

Founded in 1963, Rich & Associates is the world’s oldest firm dedicated solely to parking design, planning, and management. The firm’s founder, Rich C. Rich is recognized as one of the parking industry’s most creative and innovative forces, and he helped create many design features that we take for granted today, including self-park garages, multi-use facilities, and mega-structures. His design of the first mega-structure at O’Hare Airport in Chicago was once listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. The firm can be found online at www.richassoc.com.

Case Study: Putting the Pieces Together

By Cali Yang

A winning combination of features makes a transit-oriented development work.

THE WALNUT CREEK TRANSIT VILLAGE IN WALNUT CREEK, CALIF., is an urban mixed-use development that includes studio apartments, retail, restaurants, and public plazas. This is one of the first of many new Transit Villages being planned by Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART). The new South Garage is a five-level, 920-space structure that serves residents, visitors, and BART patrons and features artwork installations created by an award-winning artist.

Putting the Pieces Together

The garage is developed on an existing surface lot and involves access and traffic circulation improvements, including a BART patron kiss-n-ride drop-off, landscaping, and a 2,200 square-foot, single-story BART police building.

The garage is developed on an existing surface lot and involves access and traffic circulation improve­ments, including a BART patron kiss-n-ride drop-off, landscaping, and a 2,200 square-foot, single-story BART police building. The police facility includes administrative offices, a locker room with restrooms, kitchen and dining area, and detention and interview rooms. Included in the project scope are enhanced bike and pedestrian paths and a bus facility expansion with 15 new bus bays for the Central Contra Costa Tran­sit Authority. Other features include a car counting system, provisions for electric-vehicle (EV) charging stations, and bioretention planters in the bus area that collect rainwater from the rooftop.


The Walnut Creek Transit Village is a premier lifestyle center being developed in two phases. With direct con­nection to BART, commuters can easily access various forms of transportation that connect to the entire Bay Area and its major businesses, attractions, and air­ports. Also located near the Transit Village is the Iron Horse Regional Trail, which offers pedestrians, bicy­clists, and horseback riders a safe thoroughfare.

The project is located at an extremely busy com­muter intersection: Ygnacio Valley Road and the exit ramps of I-680 and CA-24. The early involvement of onsite construction and design team members pro­vided a coordinated site logistics and construction management plan. The plan meets the requirements of the City of Walnut Creek and BART and maintains no impact to BART patrons and commuter traffic during peak times. The logistics plan was circulated to all team members and trade partners to help create trans­parency on the requirements of the plan and led to an efficient delivery and pickup schedule without any effects on the project.


The purpose of the Transit Village is to create a gate­way to Walnut Creek’s downtown core and integrate with the city and surrounding communities. The complex features an active street level with public plazas, central paseo, and a hub to encourage residents and visitors to ride public transportation. The garage can be easily accessed by two vehicular entry points and features dynamic wayfinding signage that dis­plays availability of parking for the new and existing  parking facilities. In keeping with the city’s public arts master plan, the garage features several Dan Corson sculptures and art installation pieces mounted to the facade facing the BART station and trackway. Be­cause the Transit Village is a priority public art site, special design features were included with the vision of the garage to ensure the facade was aesthetically complementary to the surrounding neighborhood and future buildings.

The parking facility also features 15 bus bays to accommodate Contra Costa County regional transit buses and the Walnut Creek Trolley Bus. The city trol­ley buses are powered by electric induction motors for which the parking facility provides two charging pads.
The kiss-n-ride patron drop-off is a beautifully landscaped zone to the north of the existing parking structure. This amenity was a relocation of an existing patron drop-off adjacent to the BART station entrance. The zone includes enhanced lighting and pavement materials, as well as seating for BART patrons awaiting pick-up. This kiss-n-ride is also the newly established location for all ride-share pick-ups and drop-offs to the station.


The parking garage was developed in stages to mini­mize effects on existing BART operations, as well as pedestrian and vehicular access to the existing facili­ties. This included permitting make-ready work so all of BART’s services could be maintained in operation uninterrupted, relocation of the patron drop-off, and rerouting of the storm drainage of the existing garage to conform to current state requirements. The project program also included the requirement to tie the new facilities into the existing BART infrastructure. An example of this was that the new police facility had to have direct communication from the new facility and could not be tied into or routed through the garage systems. The challenge was that the new garage was between the new police building and the transit station and existing parking structure, which required separate routing of all communication and power feeds to the station, as well as emergency power connections to the existing parking facility gener­ator. This equipment needed to be coordinated and installed without disruption to existing facilities while avoiding the new south garage project.

New overhead high-voltage lines needed to be chan­neled within the existing parking facility, then out and around the south garage, as well as communication trenching through existing pedestrian plazas and fare gate locations without disruption to ongoing opera­tions. These were very difficult challenges as BART is heavily used at this location and has stringent re­quirements for work hours and measures for meeting patron expectations.

Read the article here.

CALI YANG is marketing manager with International Parking Design, Inc. She can be reached at cyang@oc.ipd-global.com.


Future of Proofing Parking Buildings

By Fernando Sanchez

IN THE UNITED STATES, the entrenched relationship that vehicles have with everyday life P3 Proofinghas affected the development of cities—most notably parking buildings and other single-purpose forms of mobility structures. Imagining a world without extensive miles of packed highways, parking searches, and construction of single-purpose storage monoliths implies that a series of other changes has taken place, many of which have already started to affect new and near-future projects. Responses to prepare for that eventuality, and the impact it will have on the future of parking buildings and spaces, are currently being planned. Now, owners must sift through added layers of complexity.

The paths available to future-proof a parking building involve choosing how and when to incorporate various responses to a development. As adherence to newly en­acted codes and regulations, global and regional climate change goals, and construction practices continue to emerge, the supply of parking for projects becomes a complicated decision that affects overall cost and design.

Making sense of what solutions should be included in a development remains a multi-faceted discussion as cost, timeframes, and available design choices all weigh on a project. Guides and certification programs exist to determine prescribed levels of green and sus­tainable features, amenities, and conditions. The U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED program and, specifi­cally for parking facilities, Parksmart, are some of the most widely known guides and references used in the U.S. However, without clear means to evaluate features and concepts described in these guides, a myriad of project priorities, goals, and opportunities can be over­looked or not explored at all.

Target Value Delivery

Every worthy parking designer and/or builder will have a repertoire of explored, studied, and constructed solu­tions that can be implemented. Options range from eas­ily implemented program requirements to wholesale plans that convert from parking to other non-storage use. But solutions are not one-size-fits-all, and what is appropriate for a hospital campus may not make sense for a high-density mixed-used development.
Equally differentiating are cost implications. Some responses can easily be incorporated with minimal cost, but there are those that can increase project costs many-fold—sometimes beyond 50 percent of typical expenses for self-parking projects. More appropriate to cost evaluations are the non-design components, such as financing, ownership portfolios, and other similar issues.

A system that aids in response selection and pro­vides cost and schedule certainty helps organize a proj­ect to appropriately evaluate future-proofing options. The target value delivery method implements a series of tools and approaches to define the owner’s program requirements (OPR), which then is extrapolated to define the conditions of satisfaction (CoS) that guide a basis of design (BOD) document for the project. This system sets the framework for owners to achieve suc­cess with their projects.

Depending on the delivery method selected by the owner—traditional design-bid-build, design-build, or any of a series on the spectrum—the output helps guide owners to make appropriate selections for their project. Whether created with a designer or by a design-build team, the OPR establishes the initial over­arching direction and goals the project needs to achieve. Is it desired to reach LEED platinum levels, or will Parksmart certification be required? What is the desired interaction between the street and the build­ing? Does the project need to respond to future chang­es in five, 10, or 15 years? Whichever direction chosen, an owner’s first step is to define desired aspirations and goals specific to desired outcomes, not “what it looks like,” but rather “what it should accomplish.”

Now, with an understanding of how to evaluate available alternatives,
consider the following list and categorization of possible alternatives on a parking development:

Alternatives to define at the OPR stage:

1. Transportation-oriented Development.

• Connectivity to mass transit hubs.
• Last-mile traveled support systems.

2.Street/curb management.

3.Changes in use; parking is vehicle-oriented.

•Change to human-oriented uses.
•Change to other non-human–oriented use.

4.Sustainability goals.

5.Reduction of energy use.

6.Energy generation/storage onsite.

7.Improved mobility responses.

Definition of alternatives at the COS stage:


•Degree to build connectivity to the street.

2.Street management.

•Self-driving vehicles.
•Improvement of use of curb.

3.Change in use.

•Battery farms.
•Network nodes.
•Autonomous vehicle infrastructure.
•Automatic vehicle storage and retrieval systems.

4.Sustainability goals.

•Materials used in construction.
•Quantity of electric-vehicle (EV) charging stations.

5.Reduce energy use.

•Lighting systems.
•Construction methods and embodied energy.

6.Generate energy onsite.

•Photovoltaic arrays.

7.Mobility improvements.


Application of alternatives at the BOD stage:

1.Transportation—parking and EV station locations—participation in mapping apps.

2.Type of connectivity.

•Bus stop proximity.
•Dedicated lanes for various transportation modes.
•Allocation of space at development.
•Management programs for transportation—incentives, discount programs, emergency transportation.

3.Implications of feature to add in converting use.

•Higher ceilings.
•Sloped floors.
•Egress requirements.
•Fire life safety requirements.
•Mechanical lifts—user operated.
•Semi-automatic—puzzle systems that are user operated with some logic board.
•Full-automatic—full computer operated at input bays; City of West Hollywood, Calif., for example.

4.Materials used in construction.

•Carbon curing—capturing CO2 from industrial emitters into concrete mix—converts to CaCO3 (calcium carbonate—capturing CO2).
•Type of charging stations, such as ChargePoint vs. Tesla chargers.
•Code minimums (8 percent EV spaces in California) or higher voluntary tiers.

5.Reduction of energy use.

•Light fixture performance.
•Lighting strategies—daylight harvesting.

6.Power generation onsite.

•Extent of power generation—in kWH or surface area available.

7.Mobility improvements.

•Service requirements—areas to host shared-ride services.

Further into the project’s development, the owner’s next step is to define the CoS—a detailed description of how a design response will be measured to achieve the OPR. Perfect examples are the LEED and Parksmart point system certification levels. The CoS should tailor the point categories of each rating system and describe a means to determine any priorities in design respons­es. The categories created in the Parksmart guide serve well in evaluating a parking projects attainment of the OPR by categorizing the myriad design responses to future proofing: management, programs, technology and structure design, and innovation. Similarly, the CoS could indicate the expected LEED level to be achieved—silver, gold, platinum. For projects in California, de­scribing which higher voluntary tier requirements list­ed in CalGreen are important to satisfying the OPR.

The third and final step in determining how to future­proof a parking development is diving into the myriad responses with the design team and, whenever possible, the construction team, to develop the project’s BOD. The inclusion of the construction team is to analyze constructability and schedule effects. Typically, this evaluation takes place during early design phases. The BOD should identify the specific nature of each response or component and how it will achieve the levels set in the CoS. A properly developed BOD should align with the development of the project’s performance specifications. Specific considerations to include are the components and modifications important to each system in case replacements are required in the future. A naturally ventilated parking building will not include a mechanical ventilation system, but if the project is determined to need exhaust and supply fans in the future, the size and volume consideration should be clearly identified.

Choosing by Advantages
The crux in creating a BOD lies with determining which systems to include and to what degree they need to be defined to meet the CoS. It is quite easy to say that cost exceeds all other considerations, but in trans­forming into a more sustainable world, opportunity costs can be offset by other features that achieve OPR. With that in mind, the LEAN Institute and others have written extensively on ways that Choosing by Advan­tages (CBA)—a decision-making method to determine best decisions by weighting advantages of particular options for consideration and selection—can be imple­mented and the steps involved to achieve selection.

Applied to future-proofing a parking development (or any development for that matter), CBA provides a system to study various options based on valuing the importance of advantages between a particular set of options described in the CoS and determine the best choice. Familiar to many in the AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction) world is the use of the Tabular Method to record this evaluation, and many great summary explanations have been published de­tailing the step-by-step procedures.

Criteria to be evaluated will be particular to each system. For example, if the program requirements iden­tify future conversion for revenue gain, the CoS could identify a future conversion from a self-park system to a mechanical parking system. To determine which mechanical parking system to define in the BOD, CBA could compare the self-parking design to a parking-lift system, puzzle-lift system, and a full-automatic system. Factors to evaluate would identify the extent of changes required for conversion, structural system initial re­quirements, fire life safety system initial requirements, fire life safety future requirements, revenue potential, aesthetics, serviceability, and area-per-parking space, among other things. The attributes of each alternative would then be summarized, and the advantage of each would be determined from the least preferred attribute of each factor and ultimately charting the advantages of each alternative against the cost of each system to de­termine the best solution to incorporate. The last step uses cost to determine a comparison chart for selection.

CBA allows for a transparent and open evalua­tion of various systems to consider when deciding to ­future-proof a parking building.

To borrow from Nils Bohr, Nobel laureate, “Predic­tion is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.” It may be a daunting task to future-proof a develop­ment based on the many alternatives and systems currently or possibly available in the offing. However, using the described system to evaluate, compare, and select from the various alternatives will help a project team select the most appropriate alternatives for a giv­en parking building project.

Read the article here.

FERNANDO J. SANCHEZ is an integrated design director with McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. He can be reached at fsanchez@mccarthy.com.


Wanted: Students with Innovative Solutions to Parking and Transportation Challenges to Enter International Competition

Wanted: Students with Innovative Solutions to Parking and Transportation Challenges to Enter International Competition

New, international competition strives to discover and showcase the Next Big Idea

Parking Solutions Student Competition Details Click Here
Parking Solutions Student Competition Registration

(ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Dec. 21, 2017) Are you a student with innovative ideas that might solve parking and transportation challenges? Here’s your chance to showcase your talent in a student competition sponsored by the International Parking Institute, the world’s largest association of parking professionals.

IPI invites college students, working either independently or in multi-disciplinary teams, to enter its inaugural Parking Solutions Competition, a design and development challenge based on real-world scenarios. The world’s largest parking organization seeks to tap bright, young minds in hopes of discovering the Next Big Idea in parking.

“Technology, a focus on sustainability, and a driver-friendly approach to parking has revolutionized the parking industry in the past decade,” explains IPI CEO Shawn Conrad, CAE. “We know that college students are an untapped resource of new ideas, just waiting to be applied, and are very excited to see the results of this competition.”

Up to four finalists will be selected, based on creativity, innovation, realism, applicability, scalability, overall presentation, and ability to benchmark success and demonstrate return on investment.

One member of each finalist team will be sent to the IPI Conference & Expo in New Orleans, La., May 21-24, 2017, to meet international experts and present their innovative idea at the Parking Solutions Competition ceremony. Each will receive roundtrip airfare and a two-night hotel stay, conference registration (valued at $1,299), and a one-year IPI student membership.*

IPI’s Parking Solutions Competition is open to any student actively enrolled in an undergraduate institution or pursuing a graduate degree, competitors must be 18 years of age or older as of May 18, 2017. Entrants must first register and provide a 1,000-1,500-word narrative on their concept, which may feature a mobile application; website or online service; plans, drawings, and/or graphics; and/or 3/D models, animation, or video. (To discuss additional formats, contact Stephanie Santoro at santoro@parking.org.)

The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2017. More information about registering can be found at www.parking.org/parkingsolutions.

The Grand Prize winner will receive $500 and be featured in IPI’s award-winning magazine, The Parking Professional, as well as traditional and social media.

Could entering this competition be your ticket to success? CEO Wen Sang, attributes the success of his company SMARKING to winning a similar IPI competition in 2015 while working on his PH.D.


*International travel not included.