Tag Archives: parking and mobility


The 2018 IPMI Leadership Summit Educates and Entertains

DENVER, COLO., WAS THE PLACE FOR PARKING AND MOBILITY professionals to be in October, when IPMI’s second Leadership Summit brought together a fantastic group for professional development, net­working, and fun.

Small by design, the Leadership Summit saw 100 professionals from all career stages gather together to learn and make important connections during sessions and social events and the opportunity to ask questions and learn during topic-specific Knowledge and Networking Hubs. Keynoter Josh Allison from THINK CAFÉ offered a thought-provoking talk about sustain­able strategies for leaders to survive and thrive in the workplace. Sessions ranged from mitigating conflict through email, to employee engagement, to maintaining balance, to ethical leadership, with more around every corner.

Summit attendees also enjoyed getting to know each other and making valuable network connections during a variety of events. Team-building lunch hours, a game night (complete with gi­ant Jenga), a fun and relaxed welcome reception, and the chance to update their photos with professional head­shots were all hits.

Many thanks to this year’s Leader­ship Summit sponsors: Marlyn Group, T2, ParkMobile, Parkhub, Parksmart, Curbway, TimHaahs, Premium Park­ing, Southland Printing, Toledo Ticket, and Flowbird.

Ready to experience the Leadership Summit yourself? Save the date: Octo­ber 3–4, 2019, in Pittsburgh, Pa., for 100 industry professionals. We can’t wait!

Read the article here.