By Liliana Rambo, CAPP
Hurricane Harvey came ashore late Friday, August 25, just north of Port Aransas, and caused historic flooding. In Houston, we prepared as much as we could but never expected such devastation. Harvey caused an estimated $75 billion of damage and it was felt throughout the city. After the storm passed many people were unable to leave their homes for days due to flooding in the area. I attempted to brave the streets of Houston Wednesday, August 30, to check on our Winpark facilities. Thankfully the damage was minimal and all but one location would be able to open after Labor Day.
When assessing the facilities, we were looking for standing water in the garage, stairwells, and tunnels. Next, we checked that the equipment was functioning correctly at the entrances and exits. Our only facility that had major issues was Alley Theatre Center garage. Although the garage is above ground, the electrical connections are in the tunnel portion which had 12 feet of water. This meant that the garage was pitch black and the equipment was inoperable. Until all the water could be pumped out and engineers could get in the area, we would be closed. Therefore, we had to relocate more than 800 parkers into four different facilities within the next four days. With the help of local managers and other Winpark employees working around the clock, the transition was completed without a hitch.
I am thankful that as a company we could work together and overcome the difficulties of the storm and aftermath. Knowing that your co-workers always have your back makes Winpark the type of company you truly enjoy working for.
Liliana Rambo is president of Winpark and will soon take over as general manager of William P. Hobby Airport.