The District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT) invites interested technology and service companies to participate in a “Parking Services Industry Day” at R.I.S.E. Demonstration Center*, 2730 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE, Washington, DC 20032 on Friday April 5 th and Saturday April 6 th from 10AM – 4PM.

DDOT is preparing to update its contract for curbside asset management services. The next generation of curbside technologies, including parking meters, must be adaptable to rapidly changing technology and mobility.

Industry Day activities will include presentation of DDOT’s intended scope of services for curbside asset management, and opportunities for interested companies to network and showcase capabilities (e.g., hands-on demos).

Please confirm interest in attending by emailing or contacting Mosi London at (703) 399-3926. Thank you!

DDOT’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for District residents and visitors by ensuring that people, goods, and information move efficiently and safely, with minimal adverse impact on residents and the environment.

View the event flyer.