Rethinking Mobility: 2021 Call for Video Submissions

2021 IPMI Conference logo

We want to shine a spotlight on your story. IPMI is requesting short video vignettes that illustrate what your organization has done to pivot, inspire, and innovate. IPMI will showcase the stories of up to eight organizations at the 2021 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo in Tampa, Fla.

We’ll feature the top stories in the Opening General Session of the Conference! Stories will also be shared across our platforms: Parking & Mobility magazine, the IPMI website, Forum, blog, and social media.

Deadline: September 15, 2021

THE BASICS: There is no cost to submit-just provide the following information:

  • Let us know who you are. Full contact information for a minimum of two representatives from the submitting organization. Representatives may be from different organizations, but at least one representative must be from an IPMI member. (New members welcome!) Partners may include other related agencies or departments, transportation management associations, and key partners, suppliers, and consultants.
  • Tell us your story (on paper). A brief narrative (250 words or less) highlighting your organization’s parking, transportation, and mobility operations, policies, programs, or pilots. We welcome graphics, bulleted lists, and links to your programs or corporate partner sites to provide additional details.
  • Show us (in a video). Upload a short video of up to three minutes sharing your story. Your video/images may be used on banners, signage, structures, websites, the Conference mobile app, IPMI’s website, and social media channels. IPMI reserves the right to edit and alter video submissions for length and content. Please note: no need to hire a video crew – we encourage you to create a simple video!
  • Send it in! Provide written materials in a single pdf file with a Google Drive link to your video and jpg photos (if appropriate). Please send your files to Rachel Yoka at The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2021.

THE BENEFITS: Tell your story and reap the rewards!

Extensive visibility at the 2021 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo, IPMI website, mobile app, program guide, IPMI social media channels, and beyond.

Two representatives will receive discounted regular attendee registration ($399) for the 2021 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo (that’s $100 off the early-bird rate of $499).

Selected stories will be featured in future issues of Parking & Mobility.

Special marketing and branding opportunity for your organization, including a press release and digital marketing kit.


IPMI will select featured organizations by September 30, 2021.

  • Multi-modal approaches and applications, including TDM and micro-mobility.
  • Utilization of your organization’s unique attributes in a program, plan, or operation.
  • Creativity and innovation in programming and operations.
  • Strategic launch and execution of technology, innovation, and integrations.
  • Partnerships with the private sector, corporate partners, and suppliers.


Application materials and video submissions must come directly from the organization and its representatives (cities, universities, airports, transit agencies, hospitals, etc.) Applications may be assisted by visuals and information provided by corporate partners, suppliers, and consultants.

Selected applicants/partners commit to send two organization representatives to the 2021 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo at a discounted rate of $399 each. Attendees must register to attend no later than October 13.

Representatives are responsible for all other expenses of Conference attendance, including travel and ancillary expenses.


  • Duration: 3 minutes (max. 300 seconds).
  • Size: Less than 50 MB.
  • Format (only one of the following should be used): mpeg, mp4, mpg.
  • Minimum video quality: 720p
  • Structure: The video must begin with a video cover with the title, authors, and affiliation, and credits at the end.
  • Videos containing sales content or commercial pitches will not be considered.
  • Authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content. Video submission constitutes a transfer of copyright to IPMI.
  • Each video submission must be accompanied by a one-page description in PDF file format, which includes title, authors, and bio, and 250-word abstract and contact information.
  • Selected videos (and the PDF descriptions) will be linked in the electronic conference proceedings and will also be displayed during the Conference and to the public via social media, IPMI’s website, IPMI’s Blog, and other electronic publications. Guidelines for general audience viewing apply.

Written By
Rachel Yoka