Oobeo Announces the Launch of an affordable, easy to use Event Parking Payment Solution

Oobeo has today launched a new event parking app to complement its existing parking software suite for taking rapid cash and card payments at events including contactless payment methods such as Apple Pay and Google wallet.

Oobeo event parking is included as part of its base subscription to all of its customers at no additional cost and is free to start.

Using the new solution, payments can be taken faster and more accurately, making a smoother experience for customers as well as giving insight to parking operators and venues.

Oobeo Event payments can be taken by attendants via an easy to use, mobile app available for Android and iOS.

Parking operators can set their own rate schedule and rules through their online dashboard, track revenue received by attendant or rate and set their own convenience fees or tax lines.

Mitch Carter, VP of Sales said, “As events return, parkers are looking for contactless payment options, and customers are looking for a more affordable alternative to the other event parking solutions currently available.”

With Oobeo, payments can be made through an existing merchant agreement or through a partnership with Square that provides a wide range of affordable card present hardware devices.

For more information, and to schedule a demo, visit https://www.oobeo.com/event-parking-payments/.

About Oobeo

Oobeo is a member of the Toledo Ticket Technologies family, the premier provider of printed tickets and access control solutions in the parking industry. Headquartered in Toledo, OH, Oobeo provides the best in parking management software. With solutions for Valet, Pay-by-Space, Monthly Permit and Event Parking, Oobeo is able to offer the complete package to manage your parking. This top-notch software, paired with unmatched customer service, places Oobeo securely at the top of its class. Visit www.oobeo.com for more information.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Mitch Carter, Mitch.carter@oobeo.com

Written By
Rachel Yoka