woman reading a bookBy Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP

Not all people are born readers.

In school we are assigned books that are selected to shape our worldview and educate us, and hopefully open our minds to different concepts, cultures, and perspectives. As a young person, I hope you found at least one book that you dove into and couldn’t put down, even if it wasn’t on the “must-read” list. I distinctly remember The Catcher in the Rye as one of those for me. (My dad also handed me everything by Stephen King and Ken Follett–but you might want to wait before the tender age of eight to give those to your kids.)

We all digest information differently now. The proliferation of communication vehicles has complicated that–just think about the multitude of ways that we receive information now, and the changes in speed and format. From newspapers, magazine, and books, to podcasts, video and social media, we now get information from an amazing variety of sources. In our industry alone, one could spend all day perusing LinkedIn articles–it’s quite easy to get lost in that rabbit hole.

Yet, there is something to be said for the joy and contentment found in a trip to the library or bookstore to find a worn, well-read book, and then putting down the phone and laptop and cracking that book open. Whether it’s 10 minutes or hours, the very act of reading resets the brain. It can increase empathy and emotional awareness, improve your vocabulary, and decrease stress levels. I highly recommend Mark Manson’s books and Tim Ferriss’ stuff, especially Tools of Titans, but the book should of course be your choice. Finding moments of joy and wisdom in reading can come from anywhere you find inspiration.

Another professional recommendation: A Guide to Parking, of course.

Share a few good recommendations, especially if they are about our industry. What are you reading? Inquiring minds want to know.

Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP is IPMI’s vice president of program development.


Written By
Tyler Perkins