team members stacking their hands together.By Melissa Yates, CAPP

What does it take to be a leader? No matter your position within an organization, we all have the potential to help our team move to the next level and get on the same page. But how exactly do we get the ball rolling?

This was a question I asked myself several years ago as the leader of an organizational team in need of change. The experience of rebuilding a team using norms taught us all so much. Through this teambuilding process, I realized that each person was leading from their place in the organization, and it made us stronger together.

If this is a relatable topic for your team, join me for IPMI’s Frontline Fundamentals session next Tuesday, September 8: “Building the Team: Ordinary to Extraordinary.” I’ll take you through the systematic process of building norming techniques for your team and methods to influence everyday interactions toward positive outcomes. We’ll also talk about what it means to be an everyday leader from any level of the organization.

You can find out more about this session by clicking here. I hope to see you there!

Melissa Yates, CAPP, is director, university services, with SP+.

Written By
Tyler Perkins