Frontline Fundamentals: A Platform for Education and Collaboration for Your Frontline Employees


By Cindy Campbell

The past few years have been such an intense time of change for many employees throughout our industry, especially those working on the frontlines in roles like customer service, enforcement, operations, and more. Further, organizations continue to face challenges of working with reduced staffing numbers, training new employees, and keep experienced employees up to speed on the latest changes in the industry.

Obviously, the pandemic played a significant role in these changes, but many other factors have contributed to the transformation of how our frontline employees do their jobs each day. From new advancements in technology, evolving customer expectations, and even the impacts to operations due to more people working from home, these transitions can cause stress and uncertainty for these essential employees.

IPMI’s Frontline Fundamentals virtual training courses are an excellent opportunity to provide your frontline staff with the latest information and tools to help them succeed in their jobs. More so, these courses provide employees with a platform to connect with and learn from other frontline professionals to discuss the success stories, best practices, and lessons learned they experience every day. Each course is offered by extremely knowledgeable industry experts who can offer the external education and support to help your frontline employees thrive.

If your organization is interested in a more personal training experience, the IPMI Frontline Training program also offers a wide range of in-person courses. We’d love to visit your organization to work directly with your employees and discuss the situations most relevant to your needs, answer all your questions, and foster a collaborative team-building experience.

Your frontline employees are the face, and the heart, of your organization and operation. It is important that they have all the information and resources they need to perform their jobs well, keep them motivated, and effectively serve your customers and communities.

These courses are free to all IPMI members. Check out the upcoming training schedule and book your spots today! Or contact us to schedule an in-person training session!

Cindy Campbell is IPMI’s Senior Training and Development Specialist. She is available for in-person or virtual training.

Written By
Melissa Rysak