By Tina Altman

Do you think curbside pickup should continue once things get back to “normal?”

I used the Walmart pick up/delivery services long before COVID-19 came along. I’m not a shopper and would much rather select what I need and move on to better things. I’m all for the curbside staying in place!

There are so many good reasons to keep it. Along with the ability to continue distancing, we also save time and money, and there are no lines or crowds to wait in. It’s a win-win in my eyes!

I’m still using curbside service for larger grocery orders, online shopping, and dinner pick-up. Curbside saves me money by letting me avoid the temptation to pick up random things to add to my cart, and it gives me more time to do other, more important things. Many businesses have this service down to a science while others leave a lot to be desired and could really use some pointers! How does curbside pick up affect you?

Tina Altman is IPMI’s manager, member and events services.

Written By
Tyler Perkins