2022 Goals text on note padBy Cindy Campbell

I heard an interesting statistic this week about how quickly we tend to ditch our annual New Year’s resolutions. Oh sure, we have great intentions, but our follow through seems to be tripping us up. According to an Inc. article, 80 percent of the people who make New Year’s resolutions abandon them by the second week in February. Needless to say, there’s a whole lotta quitting goin’ on right now.

In IPMI’s January Frontline Fundamentals session, industry expert Vicki Pero reviewed the annual goal-setting ritual along with the breakneck speed in which we abandon those goals. She also discussed the relationship between formally setting our goals and ultimately accomplishing them. Did you know that the simple act of writing your goals down and posting them where you can regularly see them can make it 10 times more likely you’ll be successful? Sounds easy if not obvious, but–are we actually doing it?

The session was interesting and included lots of great takeaways. If this topic sounds like something you and your team could use to start 2022 off on a positive note, log in to your IPMI member portal and register for future sessions. All of the Frontline Fundamentals sessions are free and available live or on-demand to all member organizations. You can find all of the Frontline Fundamental sessions here.

Cindy Campbell is IPMI’s senior training and development specialist. She is available for in-person or virtual training.

Written By
Tyler Perkins