Take the survey for planning, transport, or parking practitioners.

Existing, proposed, and planned parking policies in your city

If you are a member of a professional (not academic) planning, transport, or parking organization, please take the following survey and/or share it with fellow members: https://forms.gle/i7mhiiQbwAnNgY1w6.

More details on the survey:

Principal Investigator (Australia) Contact:
Dr Jaime Olvera-Garcia
Research Assistant
SEES, UQ, Australia
Email: j.olveragarcia@uq.edu.au
Web: sees.uq.edu.au/profile/4174/jaime-olvera-garcia

Through this survey, the research team seeks to investigate parking policies and regulations implemented in your city. The research has the aim of improving our understanding about parking policies and regulations at international cities. For this purpose, the survey is organized around three main themes: (1) Type of on-street and off-street parking policies and regulations planned and/or adopted. (2) Implementation process and achievements in terms of managing supply and demand of on-street and off-street parking. (3) Barriers and obstacles at managing parking supply and demand of the adopted and/or planned on-street and off-street parking policies. The research is part of the broader project on parking “Reclaiming lost ground, transitions of mobility and parking” that has the overall aim of understanding how on-street and off-street parking policies and regulations impact parking in cities. Parking remains a marginal research field in urban planning, despite being an issue that intersects land use and transport planning as well as urban design and urban economics. Moreover, parking is a relevant urban planning issue considering the large amount of land devoted for storage of motor vehicles in cities. The project seeks to address this research gap by collecting data to undertake in-depth examinations of parking at different cities. As the title of the project, indicates, the ultimate goal is to reclaim ground lost to parking. This research is also part of the agenda identified by the recently published book “Parking: An International Perspective.” The book includes a collection of international case studies that explore parking issues in cities from Europe, the US, Southeast Asia and South America. This survey is part of the data collection efforts to gather evidence of parking policies and regulations across the world. We consider that this information is essential for developing parking reform proposals that improve supply and demand management and, ultimately, urban sustainability. Thus, we are inviting practitioners from relevant international professional planning organizations, such as the American Planning Association, European Parking Association and China Association of City Planning among others to participate in this survey and share their insights.

The results of this questionnaire will be treated confidentially and no participant will be individually identifiable in the resulting report or other publications. Participation is entirely voluntary and you are free to withdraw without penalty. If you would like to obtain a copy of the paper that will be produced as a result of this research, please contact the principal investigator in Australia. This study adheres to the Guidelines of the ethical review process of The University of Queensland and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.

Written By
Rachel Yoka