Transportation Advisory Council:
Transportation Infrastructure Announcement by New London Parking Authority
RE: National Transportation & Infrastructure
You may have heard about the big $1.3 trillion spending bill that Congress considered recently. The highlights transportation wins-particularly for rail and transit are as follows:
The bill includes:
- $650 million for Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor account-a $322 million increase over last fiscal year’s spending level. Because Amtrak runs an operating profit on the NEC, that $650 million will go straight to crucial capital projects that affect the whole corridor;
- $1.5 billion for TIGER-a $1 billion increase over last fiscal year’s spending level;
- $250 million for the Federal-state partnership for State of Good Repair Program-a $225 million increase over last fiscal year’s spending level. This is perhaps the most important grant
program for the NEC, since it provides a federal match for the intra-state spending that needs to occur along the corridor to attack the backlog of projects;
- $592.5 million for the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Grant Program-a $525 million increase over last fiscal year’s spending level. This is a competitive grant program that funds capital projects and safety investments. $250 million of the $592.5 million is set aside for the implementation of Positive Train Control-a technology that would have prevented the Philadelphia Amtrak crash. This bill also includes a provision to make commuter rail operators-like Metro-North-eligible for the grant for the first
- $2.645 billion for Capital Investment Grants-a $232 million increase over last fiscal year’s spending level. This includes money for New Starts, Small Starts, and the Core Capacity Grant Program.
Overall, it’s a great bill for national transportation infrastructure including without limitation rail, short and long-haul bus systems, intermodal transportation centers, and mobility. As the appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2019 and the looming long-term highway/transit authorization that needs to happen at the end of Fiscal Year 2020, I’ll try to keep you updated on these subject matters.
Carey E. Redd, CAPP
Transportation Advisory Council, U. S. Senator Chris Murphy
Director of Parking/CEO
New London Parking Authority