On September 20, Lehigh University participated in the annual national Car Free Day. This year was the university’s most successful yet, counting 2017 student, faculty, and staff participants – a 20% increase from 2017.

Of those that pledged to participate in Car Free Day, 13% biked, 12% carpooled, 24% used public transit, and 51% walked or ran. The longest recorded distance traveling car free was 13 miles. Further, 85% of those who chose to carpool did so with three or more people in their vehicle.

Lehigh’s Manager of Parking Services, Sharon Field, noted “At Lehigh, we love to take the opportunity of Car Free Day to connect with the campus community and educate them further on the many opportunities to reduce their dependence on vehicles, as well as the sustainability and wellness benefits that come along with them.”

In addition to actively promoting Car Free Day through email communication and social media using the #carfreelu, Lehigh also provided participants with a number of events to bring the community together and learn more about alternative transportation options. The University’s Student Auxiliary Services department hosted a VIP breakfast to participants. The University also hosted a vendor showcase offering additional information related to the alternative transportation services offered on campus, as well as activities and a drawing for a new bike, as well as other prizes.

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