Shoppers and beach-goers will soon have more parking availability


Moorestown, New Jersey (August 16, 2019) – The City of Treasure Island, FL, has voted to add 42 metered parking spaces to the island’s busy beach-front lots. City commissioners unanimously voted to expand their contract with Flowbird group, the world’s leader in curbside management and urban mobility solutions, to manage these spaces using the CWT Color Touch kiosks.

The City first expanded their paid parking spaces in 2017 when a need for more regulated parking was apparent. This expansion is now the second phase to open up parking accessibility in 4 prime locations using the CWT kiosks in pay-by-space mode.

“Staff has noted some general and unique situations at these four locations that warrant adding metered parking at this time,” said Amy Davis, finance director and assistant city manager. For instance, the popular restaurant, Gator’s Café, has a large unmetered parking lot, prompting non-customer to park and walk to other businesses to avoid paying for parking.

The new kiosks have a user-friendly design with descriptive messages and enhanced visibility in sunlight. The kiosks function off of solar-powered panels and feature a large full-color touch screen interface similar to a tablet. Motorists simply type in their parking space number, choose their parking duration, and use a credit card, coins, or the City’s convenient mobile app to pay.

Davis explains that adding additional parking spaces with new kiosks, “should adequately redistribute peak parking and minimize public safety and liability concerns.”

Currently, Flowbird supports over 40,000 parking pay stations for 600 customers throughout the U.S. In addition to Treasure Island, Flowbird systems can be found in many cities along Florida’s Gulf Coast including Clearwater, Madeira Beach, Sarasota, and St. Pete Beach.


Flowbird US Media Contact
Sean Renn – Vice President of Sales and Marketing

Written By
Rachel Yoka