IPMI Recognizes Outstanding Contributions to the Industry with Chair and Lifetime Achievement Awards

Four individuals who have had tremendous impacts on the parking, mobility, and transportation industry were recognized with 2022 IPMI Chair and Lifetime Achievement Awards by the International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI) last month at the 2022 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo, July 24-27 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Both the Chair Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award recipients are selected by the Executive Officers of the IPMI Board of Directors.

The IPMI Chair Award recognizes individuals who have had a significant impact on the parking, transportation, and mobility industry. These individuals and their accomplishments will leave long-lasting effects that better communities and move the industry forward.

The 2022 IPMI Chair Award honorees are:

The IPMI Lifetime Achievement Award is bestowed upon active or retired IPMI senior members in the parking, transportation, and mobility industry with a minimum of 20 years of service. They must show: evidence of exemplary leadership as a parking, transportation, or mobility leader through administrative roles held, accomplishments in those roles, and recognition by colleagues and others for significant contributions to the industry; a record of service, leadership, and outstanding achievements as a member of IPMI and affiliated organizations; participation on boards, committees, task forces, publications, and presentations, or general support of the association’s activities.

The 2022 IPMI Lifetime Achievement Award honorees are:

More detailed information will be available in the August issue of Parking & Mobility magazine’s spotlight feature, to be published on August 10, 2022. Congratulations and thank you to our 2022 IPMI Chair and Lifetime Achievement Award recipients!



Written By
Melissa Rysak