First Phase of San Diego International Airport Terminal 1 Parking Plaza Now Open to the Public

August 28, 2024, marked the opening of the new Terminal 1 Parking Plaza (T1PP) at the San Diego International Airport. Opening in two phases, the first phase brings 2,285 new stalls in support of the redevelopment of Terminal 1. Phase 2, which is slated to open next year, will add an additional 2,396 parking stalls totaling nearly 2 million square feet.

Travelers can reserve parking in advance via website or app. A parking guidance system with real-time parking information will expedite finding a space. Landscaped lightwells that bring natural light throughout the structure also function as waypoints for passengers on their way to Terminal 1, located right across the street. The T1PP will offer EV charging later this fall and provides designated parking spaces reserved for clean vehicles.

As sustainability is a high priority for the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, the T1PP includes a sophisticated stormwater management system that at full build-out will capture and reuse more than 39 million gallons of rain annually. The project is pursuing Parksmart Gold.

“The opening of the first stage of the New T1 Parking Plaza represents more than just a milestone of the New T1 project, it represents significant progress toward providing our binational region with the air transportation infrastructure it needs and deserves,” said Gil Cabrera, Chair, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Board. “We can’t wait to come back in the late summer of 2025 and cut the ribbon on the New T1.”

Watry Design, Inc. serves as the architect and structural engineer of record for the project. Swinerton Builders is the Design-Builder, with Gensler as the design architect.

Written By
Tyler Perkins