Understanding Curb Management: Tackling Demand at the Curb


By Mary Catherine Snyder

IPMI is starting off 2023 with the hottest of hot topics these days – Curbside Management and an IPMI spotlight on Washington DC, San Francisco, and Seattle on January 11. When actively managed, the curb space is an extraordinary asset, but when run inefficiently, the curb’s potential for supporting economic development, climate response, Vision Zero, and transportation equity remain unrealized. Figuring out how to collect and use curb data has become vital to municipalities’ success.

Does your city have a proactive effort underway for curb space data collection? Join us for IPMI’s Curb Management webinar on January 11, 2023. New applications of sign asset management, license plate recognition, and machine learning may spark some ideas. Our expert presenters will highlight several agency projects, providing take-aways for attendees to apply to their operations, including:

Hank Willson – San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency – As San Francisco moves its parking meter, permit and enforcement programs to a license plate recognition system, it also plans to use LPR cameras to collect data to refresh the unique demand-responsive parking pricing program, expand the hybrid residential/metered parking program, and better manage parking across the city.

Haley Peckett – District Department of Transportation – Like other cities, Washington, DC has growing demand for use of its curbsides– from bike and bus lanes, pedestrian refuges, streateries, and private vehicle trips that are still up from pre-COVID levels. The good news is that our technology tools have advanced rapidly, allowing us to better measure demand. License plate readers, artificial intelligence, and geodatabases help curbside planners to collect and store data on curbside occupancy, asset condition, and curbside regulations. In turn, we can proactively design curbs to meet diverse access needs across the District.

Matthew Darst – Conduent – Discussing sustainable approaches to gathering data and how that data can be used to drive curb space policies and management decisions.

Mary Catherine Snyder – Seattle Department of Transportation – How the now ten-year SDOT paid street parking program has evolved to a three-times a year rate update, where staff are using consultant developed algorithmic model to determine curb parking occupancy with up-to-date supply, paid transactions and adjustments for non-payment.

As we all work towards appropriate pricing and achieving our curbs pace objectives, please sign up today for this exciting webinar to kick off the year with novel, helpful curb management data analytics for your city.

Mary Catherine Snyder is a Parking Strategist with the City of Seattle Department of Transportation. She can be reached at MaryCatherine.Snyder@seattle.gov.

Written By
Melissa Rysak