Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

By Jennifer Carroll, CAPP

Is it just too “uncool” to read signs now a days? I know most people pay attention to the stop signs, yield signs, but what about the others?

I do not think it is too much to ask or expect everyone to read parking related signs, but I guess it is. Speed limit signs, ok, you don’t need to follow them and you can face a ticket if you don’t, but they are posted for your own safety.

Many parking garages and lots require customers to stop at the entrance to get a ticket before the gate rises. And generally, there is a rate sign posted there, available to read, with the prices on it, so there are no surprises.

At many facilities there are no parking signs, or cones blocking a particular space or area, theoretically preventing cars from being parked in that area. Yes, people ignore the signs and move the cones. Why do they think those signs do not apply to them? The sign said do not park here, this area will soon be under construction and yes, this applies to you! No do not move those cones and park there because guess what, in that area of the garage there are unknown substances in the garage that fall and stain your vehicle when it rains. Stains that are not easily removed.

Get in the left lane to go here and the right lane to go there. No, if you get a ticket, you will not end up at the terminal or the rental car return lot, the sign above and the arrows painted on the road, told you to stay to the right. I apologize that you are running late but follow and read the signs to get to your destination….reading is fundamental!

Jennifer Carroll, CAPP is regional vice president – airport division for Reef Parking.

Written By
Melissa Rysak