By Justin L. Grunert MSM.

I am coming up on my first work anniversary at IPMI. After a year of working with great members and great coworkers and working for great bosses, I’ve been reflecting on the fact that I am very fortunate to have a work environment/culture that supports my personal and professional development and appreciates my hard work.

With that being said, we should always treat ourselves as a company of one. The best advice given to me recently is that one should think about oneself as an individual company and consider what actions we can take to set ourselves up for success while working for our employers.

I want to encourage each of our members to think about your own path. Do you want to get a raise or a promotion, or do you want to switch departments to learn new skills? What actions can you take today, tomorrow, or in the future to make both your employer and your “company of one” a success?

I went back to school. Not once, but twice. I had a great retail job but when the economy went south and my old company (Blockbuster Video) started closing stores, I was scared and not sure if my store would be next. With some encouragement, I took the necessary steps to ensure my success. I went back to school and earned my bachelor’s degree. Although I was financially successful, I wasn’t extremely happy in my career and decided to take the next steps and went back to school again for my master’s degree. Now I work for a great organization with fantastic coworkers and members.

I encourage everyone to learn a new skill, take a class, earn a certification, and create your own options to ensure the success of your own future.

Justin L. Grunert, MSM, is IPMI’s LMS and training coordinator.

Written By
Tyler Perkins