All-In-One TDM Solutions Cut Costs and Improve Efficiency


By Danny Drees

Manage more than just parking with a unified transportation demand management (TDM) system.

Whether serving a sprawling campus or a unique community, transportation professionals stand to gain from more connected and flexible technology. There are many benefits to managing parking alongside fixed route transit, on-demand transportation and micro-mobility.

More Efficiency

A TDM solution managing parking and other transportation modes can create new organizational efficiencies. Optimizing transportation services in this way can reduce travel times for commuters, allow for higher parking space utilization, and more. By using an all-in-one TDM solution, commuters have more choices that are more reliable, allowing them to get to work or class faster.

More Cost Savings

All-in-one TDM solutions can save money for organizations and individual riders. Administrators can gather more clean, connected, and accurate data about transportation patterns, allowing them to reduce their need for expensive parking infrastructure and dedicate more space to people. Individual riders benefit from unified TDM solutions because they can be more accurate and offer more choices than driving alone.

Making Decisions Backed by Data

Unified TDM solutions enhance the power of data, allowing for smarter decisions about TDM on campus or in the community. Data collected through one technology product can be more accurate and used to optimize routes, identify trends, and plan for the future.

Parking management is just one of the many benefits of using an all-in-one TDM solution. These connected solutions can cut costs, reduce environmental impact, increase efficiency, improve accessibility, and offer clean and accurate data for decision-makers. Campuses and communities that manage parking and other modes with a unified solution can create transportation options that are efficient, sustainable, and accessible to all, resulting in a better quality of life for commuters.

Danny Drees is a Proposal Writer & Content Creator for TripShot.


Written By
Melissa Rysak