Take nearly 3,000 parking professionals from all over the world; add in more than 60 educational sessions led by top experts in their fields; mix in more than 150,000 square feet of products, technologies, and services from 250 providers; and combine all of that with social events, tours, and hands-on experiences under one giant roof, and you have the amazing week that was the 2014 IPI Conference & Expo in Dallas.
It’s possible the Gaylord Texan Resort had never seen anything like it: Parking professionals crammed session rooms and crowded into general sessions, and rare was the moment the Expo hall wasn’t teeming with traffic. Social events sent laughter pealing through hallways as old friends reunited and new friendships were struck, and every couch, walkway, escalator, and room was the perfect setting to share ideas, hints, and contact information.
If you were there, you know what a fantastic event it was. If not, enjoy our photos and make plans to join us for the 2015 IPI Conference & Expo, June 29–July 2 in Las Vegas!
TPP-2014-08-A Rip-Roaring Success