By Bridgette Brady, CAPP

Everything came to a grinding halt, including most modes of transportation, in Central New York last week due to the storm so lovingly referred to as Stella.

Snow days are enjoyed by many-children get a few days off from school, classes are cancelled at universities, and employees have mandates to stay home. These are, however, difficult times for mobility managers as we are unable to provide services we pride ourselves on reliably delivering every day. It’s a situation we do everything within our power to avoid, but even the best continuity of operations plans will only take us so far.

At this point, we hope our last efforts before Stella came into our lives helped as many people as possible get home safely. I, among many mobility managers, am looking forward to a spring when cars are parking, buses are on the roads, planes are in the air, bicycles are on trails, and pedestrians have cleared sidewalks. Think spring!

Bridgette Brady, CAPP, is senior director of transportation services at Cornell University.

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