Ocean Tides, Shifting Sands, and the Changing Landscape


By Maria Irshad, CAPP, MPA

Ocean tides and currents launch waves at the shore, shifting sand, grain by grain until ultimately the landscape changes.

How has the adoption of technology changed the landscape of your operations?

And how do you plan for the future – because while the steady pace of technology can happen at a grain-by-grain pace – storms will drastically change the environment much like technology disruptors impact operations overnight (hello scooters).

No sector is untouched by the need to plan for the future – so what’s next? What are we thinking about for our customers? And are we thinking about our customers? Implementing technology that can be used by all – Millennials who hold the world in the palm of their hand, the unbanked, or non-smartphone users, or those who just don’t want to change? Is equity playing a role in the planning process?

I’m looking forward to hearing from the IPMI membership at the Shifting Sands: Industry Outloook and Future Trends webinar where we will discuss technology and how we integrate it into operations. I’ll be joined by an illustrious panel representing all sectors – your thoughts and ideas about technology and operations are vital to this discussion.

Don’t attend expecting clear answers – because much like the depths of the ocean – technology and its ramifications are murky.

Oh, and if you have a crystal ball – please bring it.

Maria Irshad, CAPP, MPA, is Deputy Director for the City of Houston, and a member of the IPMI Board of Directors. She can be reached at Maria.Irshad@houstontx.gov.

Written By
Melissa Rysak