Enhanced customer convenience, improved traffic flow, increased revenue, lower operating costs–every parking operation continuously strives to achieve these goals. And while there are many ways to accomplish them, frictionless parking is more frequently included in the discussion.

The concept of frictionless parking means combining technology and operating practices in ways that allow customers to enter and exit a facility or a defined area with minimal points of interaction. There is no single perfect frictionless parking solution-every parking facility has its own distinct needs and constraints.

Understanding frictionless parking is critical to making it work for a parking operation-and the options can seem endless. Members of IPMI’s Technology Committee break it all down in this month’s Parking & Mobility magazine, including the four main objectives of frictionless parking, variables, process flow, customer concerns and priorities, enforcement, and more. It’s a valuable reference worth keeping for the future. Read it here.

Written By
Tyler Perkins