Tag Archives: Roamy Valera

Supporting Mobility in an Open Environment

Bikes and cars on a roadBy Roamy Valera, CAPP

Next Wednesday, I’ll have the pleasure of presenting an IPMI webinar: Supporting Mobility In An Open Environment. Mobility is a rapidly evolving discipline within the urban planning and parking fields, and I hope to inspire a conversation about how we can do a better job of promoting it in a way that fully benefits everyone.

When it comes to mobility, the future has already arrived. You just need to know where to look. Parking and transportation professionals around the globe are seeking new ways to promote mobility and apply planning approaches and new technologies to their mobility challenges. We can learn much by looking to the experiences of experts, planners, and parking professionals in other parts of the world—the challenges they face and the strategies and tools they are using to overcome those challenges.

How do we apply technology to help people get to their destinations more freely and conveniently? What are the most exciting technologies, particularly apps, for promoting mobility? How do we make these technologies integral to the lives of commuters and travelers, without risking app fatigue or burnout? These are all questions that are being grappled with around the globe, and many communities and parking organizations have come up with some pretty good ideas. What can we learn from parking professionals in other parts of the world who have addressed these very issues?

I hope you’ll join me on Feb. 12 from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern. You can register for the webinar at this link.

Roamy Valera, CAPP, is CEO, North America, with PayByPhone.