Tag Archives: member portal

A New IPMI Member Portal and Forum, Coming Soon

WOman smiling using computerIn the next few days, you’ll be introduced to IPMI’s new member portal, offering a simplified, more intuitive experience. Making changes to and maintaining your member profile, registering for events, and keeping up with everything at your association is about to get easier and more efficient. Be on the lookout for an email explaining these changes, along with a video tour of your new online member experience. We think you’re going to love it.

At the same time, IPMI’s Forum is evolving! Thanks to feedback from IPMI members and the move to a new platform, Forum will soon be easier to use and friendlier to visit, and we’re looking forward to introducing you to all of its new (simple—we promise) features and a fresh, new look very soon.

You will continue to receive the IPMI Blog in your email every day during this transition, and we’ll make sure to let you know as soon as we have a firm launch date for our new Forum. You’ll get a more comprehensive and easier to read daily digest email after that as well (winning!).

Thanks for using IPMI’s member portal and Forum and for your patience while we move to a better experience for everyone. In the meantime, please get in touch if we at IPMI can be helpful. We can’t wait to show you around our new site!