Tag Archives: LED instructor

Frontline Live: Effective Communication: The Importance of Active Listening – June 30, 2020

Effective Communication: The Importance of Active Listening

Discuss effective communication methods and techniques that can be used when interacting with difficult customers.

Instructor: Cindy Campbell

Limited to 25 registrants.

$30 per attendee, or $75 for any three Frontline Friday sessions.

Frontline Live: How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace – Session 3: Changing Group Dynamics – June 30, 2020

How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three Part Series) – Session 3: Changing Group Dynamics

Review the three phases of change and steps to effectively implement change.

Instructor: Kim Jackson, CAPP

Limited to 25 registrants.

$30 per attendee, or $75 for any three Frontline Friday sessions.

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Frontline Fridays: Team Dynamics and their Effect on Organizational Agility – June 26, 2020

Team Dynamics and their Effect on Organizational Agility

Identify challenging team dynamics, recognize the effects of organizational change, and review the steps required to improve individual and organizational responsiveness.

Instructor: Cindy Campbell

Limited to 25 registrants.

$30 per attendee, or $75 for any three Frontline Friday sessions.

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Frontline Live: How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace – Session 3: Changing Group Dynamics – June 23, 2020

How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three Part Series) – Session 3: Changing Group Dynamics

Review the three phases of change and steps to effectively implement change.

Instructor: Kim Jackson, CAPP

Limited to 25 registrants.

$30 per attendee, or $75 for any three Frontline Friday sessions.

Frontline Fridays: Developing Workplace Resilience – June 19, 2020

Developing Workplace Resilience

Review the concept of workplace resilience, discuss the importance of developing personal and professional resilience, and identify individual “attitude anchors” to maintain resilience.

Instructor: Cindy Campbell

Limited to 25 registrants.

$30 per attendee, or $75 for any three Frontline Friday sessions.

Frontline Live: Our Role in Resolving Workplace Conflict- June 16, 2020

Managing Conflict: Our Role in Resolving Workplace Conflict

Review the four sources of workplace conflict, explore resolution strategies based on the needs of others, and examine the importance of active listening.

Instructor: Cindy Campbell

Limited to 25 registrants.

$30 per attendee, or $75 for any three Frontline Friday sessions.

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Frontline Fridays: How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three-part Series) – Session 2: Identifying the Phases of Change- June 19, 2020

How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three Part Series) 

Session 2: Identifying the Phases of Change

Review the three phases of change and steps to effectively implement change.

Instructor: Kim Jackson, CAPP

Limited to 25 registrants.

$30 per attendee, or $75 for any three Frontline Friday sessions.

Frontline Live: How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace – Session 2: Identifying the Phases of Change – June 16, 2020

How to Succeed in a Changing Workplace (Three Part Series)

Review the three phases of change and steps to effectively implement change.

Session 2: Identifying the Phases of Change

Instructor: Kim Jackson, CAPP

Limited to 25 registrants.

$30 per attendee, or $75 for any three Frontline Friday sessions.

Online Instructor Led Learning: Wicked Problem Solving – July 16, 2020

Two Day Course –  July 14, 2020 and July 16, 2020, 1:00 PM ET

Cost to attend: $150 for IPMI members; $300 for non-members.

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In this intermediate level course, industry leaders will be provided wicked problems and practice how to solve them. Learn what makes a problem  wicked. The easy problems are solved, the ones left for executives are wicked.



  • Learn about your approach to problem solving and those of others.
  • Practice identifying the three aspects that make a problem wicked and recognize steps on how to solve them.
  • Practice identifying wicked problems given current real-life scenarios that the industry is facing due to COVID-19.
  • Identify the people problems that impede solutions.


Presenter: Dr. Andrea Hornett


Andrea Hornett taught strategy at Penn State and is retired from the business faculty at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Andy researched virtual teams at Xerox, earning her doctorate at The George Washington University. She has more than a hundred presentations and peer reviewed publications in organizational problem solving and learning, leadership, ethics, and knowledge transfer. In her extensive business career, she developed and consulted on global strategies and organizational solutions (e.g. DuPont Pharmaceuticals, The GAP, National Alliance of Business, Manufacturers’ Association of the Delaware Valley).


Course Credits: 4 CAPP Points for Candidates and 4 CAPP Points for recertificants in Program Type 5.

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