Tag Archives: IPMI 2020

IPMI News: IPMI Announces Results of 2020 Board of Directors, CAPP Board Elections

(Alexandria, Va., May 29, 2020) — The International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI) announced the results of its 2020 Board of Directors election; three new members will join the Board:

L Dennis BurnsDennis Burns, CAPP, is a senior practice builder and vice president at Kimley-Horn, with more than 30 years of parking management (airport and healthcare) and consulting experience. He is recognized as a national leader in sustainable parking and transportation policy development and has produced over 500 parking/transportation studies in his career. In 2010, he was honored as IPMI’s Parking Professional of the Year. Recently, he has focused on integrating parking and mobility management strategies in a variety of environments, including research and analysis of shared-use mobility and strategies to address the future impacts of autonomous vehicles.


Josh Cantor BODJosh Cantor, CAPP, has been director of parking and transportation at George Mason University since 2005 and was previously at Cal State Fullerton. He currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Parking Association of the Virginias (PAV), where he served as president from 2012-2016. He is past co-chair of and continues to serve on IPMI’s Educational Development Committee and served on the IPMI State & Regional Association Committee. He received his bachelor’s degree from Cornell University and his master’s degree from the University of Kentucky.


Kathryn HebertKathryn Hebert, PhD, is director of transportation, mobility, and parking with the City of Norwalk, Conn. As a critical part of the City of Norwalk Economic Development Team, she directs the city’s Transportation, Mobility and Parking Department, providing oversight, leadership, and management to create and implement convenient and safe mobile connectivity between neighborhoods, business districts, and major transportation hubs through coordinated planning, engineering, operations, and community collaborations.


The Board members will begin their two-year terms at the conclusion of the 2020 IPMI Virtual Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo this June.

The entire slate of officers of the IPMI Board of Directors, effective June 2:

• Chair: David G. Onorato, CAPP, Pittsburgh (Pa.) Parking Authority.
• Chair-elect: Gary A. Means, CAPP, Lexington & Fayette County (Ky.) Parking Authority.
• Treasurer: Alejandra Argudin, CAPP, Miami (Fla.) Parking Authority.
• Past Chair: Roamy R. Valera, CAPP, PayByPhone Technologies, Inc.
• Chris Austin, CAPP, University of Buffalo.
• Bridgette Brady, CAPP, Cornell University.
• Dennis Burns, CAPP, Kimley-Horn.
• Josh Cantor, CAPP, George Mason University.
• Pam Corbin, CAPP, City of Orlando (Fla.).
• Allen Corry, CAPP, DFW International Airport.
• Robert Ferrin, City of Columbus (Ohio).
• Kathryn Hebert, PhD., City of Norwalk (Conn.).
• Jaime Lopez de Aguilar, Sentex Group, Spain.
• Mark Lyons, CAPP, City of Sarasota, Fla.
• Jennifer I. Tougas, CAPP, PhD, Western Kentucky University.
• Shawn D. Conrad, CAE, IPMI.

Also announced were new members of IPMI’s CAPP Board of Directors:

• Gwendolyn Bolden, CAPP, Pittsburgh Parking Authority
• Sam Veraldi, CAPP, SP+

They join on the Board:

• Chair, Isaiah Mouw, CAPP, REEF Parking.
• Past Chair, Brian Scoggins, CAPP, REEF Parking.
• Irma Henderson, CAPP, University of California, Riverside.
• Hal King, CAPP, City of Hollywood, Fla.

See You Monday!

Virtual ConferenceWhat a long, strange year it’s been so far, but things are starting to look up. And we at IPMI are excited to see our parking and mobility industry friends online Monday for the 2020 IPMI Parking & Mobility Virtual Conference & Expo—#IPMI2020. It’s not the same as in person and we wish we were all shaking hands and hugging for real, but the virtual conference platform is fantastic, with lots of opportunity for human connections (along with all the great sessions, keynotes, GameChangers, and the Expo—wait until you see the Expo!).

If you haven’t signed up, visit ipmi.parking-mobility.org to browse the schedule, explore the list of exhibitors, and register. When the live event is over, you’ll still have access to all of it for a full year, and we think that’s a pretty cool perk.

The blog will return after the event next week. In the meantime, we’ll see you online Monday morning!