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Member News: Lights, Camera, Action: The Wave Garage – A stage for live music and arts!

Lights, Camera, Action: The Wave Garage – A stage for live music and arts!

The New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) hosted a drive-thru Experience at the Atlantic City Wave Garage. 

THA Consulting, Inc. (Formerly known as Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc.) designed the vibrant mixed-use facility in 2012.  The art exhibits and live performances at the Wave Garage focused on bringing life to the community, encouraging dreams, and letting voices be heard.  Every floor of the garage was programmed with different entertainment, including Broadway performances, art installations, poetry readings, light shows, a disco tunnel, and musicians.

Featured Video Links:

NJ.com Video Experience

Cruise Through Events

Cruise Through Event Use Experience 

The 1,200 space, mixed-use parking structure accommodates nearby retail, residential housing, hotel, Boardwalk activities, and the Atlantic City Convention Center.  Several unique and innovative elements of the garage include an art gallery, solar panels, edge lighting, elevator core lighting, metal screening, and LED digital billboard.

About THA Consulting

THA Consulting (formerly doing business as TimHaahs) is a multi-disciplined engineering,
architectural, and parking and mobility consulting firm that understands the important role parking plays in development. The company specializes in the planning, design, and restoration of parking and mixed use facilities, as well as parking master planning and consulting. For additional information, please visit www.tha-consulting.com.

For more information contact: Jim Zullo, President, THA Consulting, Inc.