The Best of Both Worlds


By Mike Harris, CAPP

I was fortunate enough to have been able to attend Mid-South Transportation and Parking Association (MSTPA) Annual Conference a few weeks back in Savannah, Georgia. It was great catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. A great time was had by all!

I am also looking forward to IPMI’s Parking & Mobility Conference and Expo next month in Ft. Worth. As I sit here between the two conferences, it got me thinking about how they compare and contrast in ways that lend themselves to the statement “the best of both worlds.”

The regional conferences allow for a little more interment gathering of parking colleagues, with time to network at a little slower pace. You can make those regional connections that provide information and resources with a local flare!

IPMI’s Conference & Expo is like a regional conference but on steroids. It is large and fast-paced with numerous vendors and educational sessions all promoting the latest information and technology available.

These conferences as single gatherings are great and wonderful, and each can stand on its own as an exceptional opportunity to connect.

However, together they allow for a more rounded perspective on our industry. I have been in the industry for a while and have made long-term relationships through these associations and enjoy seeing the new and improved gadgets and learning new ways our industry moves forward.

If anyone out there is wondering how to move their career forward, I would highly recommend getting involved in the regional associations and exploring IPMI’s opportunities for volunteering as a great way to get started.

It really is the best of both worlds!

Mike Harris, CAPP, is Director of University Services for SP+, and a member of the IPMI Accredited Parking Organization Working Group. He can be reached at

Written By
Melissa Rysak