a futuristic car illustrationAutonomous and connected vehicles are all the rage in the news and among automakers, but a new survey shows they’re not necessarily as popular among consumers.

Delotte’s 11th annual Global Consumer Automotive Study asked 35,000 consumers in 20 countries about the transportation that interests them. Among the findings:

  • Interest in electric and other alternatively fueled vehicles is growing; leading the way is Japan, where 63 percent of consumers want alternately powered vehicles. Forty-one percent of Americans do, too.
  • Safety concerns have ratcheted back interest in autonomous vehicles. Nearly half of respondents in most countries feel AVs won’t be safe; only China bucks the trend with a response of 35 percent.
  • While most consumers support the idea of transit and other forms of mobility to reduce congestion, very few actually use those systems. Seventy percent of respondents from India said they never or rarely use transit; that number jumps to 87 percent in the U.S.

Consumers also reported being wary of connected vehicles; the study showed they are largely unsure who they can trust with the data their cars might collect.

Read the summary or download the whole report here.

Written By
Tyler Perkins