Important Information about Your Upcoming Six-Year Accredited Parking Organization (APO) Renewal
Your organization was originally accredited in 2018, and successfully completed the streamlined re-accreditation process in 2021. If your organization intends to pursue re-accreditation for recognition at the 2024 IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo in Columbus next June, the deadline for documentation is February 2, 2024; the final deadline prior to your expiration is November 1, 2024.
The entire APO process starts anew at the six-year mark and includes the third-party APO Site Review. Here are next steps and best practices to prepare for your upcoming renewal.
1. Review the APO Manual for Applicants and the APO Matrix to complete the self-assessment with your team.
2. Complete the free online APO application.
3. Once your application is received, begin the accreditation documentation and site review process.
- Determine your organization’s timeline and procurement process to retain an independent IPMI-trained APO Site Reviewer from the online roster.
- Begin to collect and organize your documentation using the Manual and Matrix. Organize documentation electronically with folders for each category and documents named with criteria number.
- When your documentation is substantially complete, work with your APO Site Reviewer to compile final documentation and perform Site Review of selected Premier Facilities. Your Site Reviewer will coordinate submittal for both staff and Board review.
- Target 85% completion for the desired level of accreditation (APO and/or APO with Distinction) in your documentation. Planning to exceed the required 80% of criteria in each level allows for more timely review and renewal.
- IPMI staff will coordinate any required clarification or requests for additional documentation to meet criteria with your organization’s primary point of contact and your Site Reviewer prior to APO Board review. This internal review is held in the strictest confidence and materials will not be released for APO Board review until all criteria have been met or exceeded.
4. Prior to but no later than February 2, 2024, purchase your accreditation renewal fee here. Please note that the accreditation fee must be paid prior to APO Board review and approval.
5. Once your submission is approved by the APO Board, you will receive a new welcome kit and recognition package with updated logos and details.
IPMI staff are available to assist you with the renewal process. Contact us at with questions or to set up a meeting to review the process.