By L. Dennis Burns, CAPP
Curb lane management has become one of the biggest parking industry focus areas in the past few years. Across the country, cities are recognizing the value of their curb lanes as a finite and valuable infrastructure resource. Ultimately, the strategies being developed today to better utilize this limited resource could be the elements that turns the idea of monetizing the curb from a concept into a reality.
At this year’s IPMI Conference in Tampa, I am excited to lead a panel discussion with three industry leaders in this area. “Curb Lane Management — Practical Implementation and Challenges” will feature Mike Estey, manager of curbside management, City of Seattle; Kenneth Smith, parking and mobility director, City of Omaha, Neb.; and Mitch Osur, director of parking and downtown services, City of Aspen, Colo.
This session will dive deeply into the practical challenges and potential management and technology solutions associated with implementing effective curb lane management strategies. Participants will learn about the benefits and challenges of having an actively managed curb and also hear about the innovative strategies being implemented by our session panelists and other curb lane pilot programs from around the country.
This session will focus on real-world examples of the challenges and potential solutions (both from a planning/policy perspective and also from technology/implementation perspectives) that are only recently emerging in advanced programs around the country.
Attendees will also be provided with examples of successful communications and community engagement strategies related to collaborative curb lane management policy and goals development while working with policy makers, stakeholders, vendors. and implementation partners. We look forward to seeing you there.
L. Dennis Burns, CAPP, is regional vice president and senior practice builder with Kimley-Horn.