IPMI’s Mobility Framework Intro

IPMI's Mobility Framework

May 12, 2021

IPMI's Mobility Framework was developed by the IPMI Mobility Task Force, with expertise from our volunteers across our community, committees, subject matter experts, and volunteers.  As our industry evolves, we anticipate that this Framework will also change and adapt to both innovations and disruptions in our industry.  

To share your comments, ideas, and feedback on the Mobility Framework, please email us.

IPMI’s Mobility Framework

Mobility is the study, operation, and integration of all available transportation modes to coordinate the movement of people, goods, and services.


  • Mobility in this context incorporates transportation and related infrastructure, technology and software, and programming and policies.
  • Mobility is not limited to a transportation network and infrastructure; it is an essential system for our communities and a means to facilitate economic growth and development.

IPMI’s Mobility Framework Context

Mobility in the Context of the Parking and Transportation Industry


Mobility is the integration of all aspects of transportation into a seamless management system to better facilitate stakeholder access and choices across all demographics. 

Mobility management systems include planning, operations, finance, programming, and technology as well as policy, governance, best practices, and strategies.

Mobility management systems incorporate on and off-street parking; private automobiles; public and private parking assets; public and private transit including rail, bus, shuttles, and fleets; active transportation including biking and walking, micro-mobility options, transportation demand management (TDM) strategies; transportation network companies; roadway networks; goods and food delivery; and commercial freight delivery and loading.



IPMI identifies desired characteristics of mobility ecosystems:

  • Accessible (improved access to transportation and mobility for all).
  • Safe.
  • Reliable.
  • Efficient (integrated and seamless).
  • Flexible.
  • Equitable.
  • Sustainable.



IPMI’s members and stakeholders address mobility in ground transportation ecosystems, including, but not limited to:

  • Counties, cities, municipalities, urban centers, as well as metropolitan areas.
  • Academic, hospital and healthcare, and commercial campuses.
  • Airports, mass transit, ports, freight centers and other large transportation hubs.
  • Entertainment and destination venues, including convention centers and sports arenas as well as those used for special events.
  • Locations that can be framed in both a geographic and transportation context.


Activity Flows in Mobility

Mobility ecosystems have activity in three flows:

  • Physical Flow: the actual movement of goods, people, services.
  • Data Flow: the sharing of data between entities to plan and coordinate physical activity and process transactions.
  • Financial Flow: the distribution of funds through various entities from the user of services to the provider of services and owner of facilities.
  • When developing policy and procedures, all three flows should be evaluated in tandem.



Desired outcomes from IPMI’s Mobility Framework include: 

Economic development and growth, including improving the quality of life and connecting people with economic opportunity, jobs, and community, goods, and services.

Development of more seamless mobility ecosystems and programming through:

  • Improved mobility options through safe, efficient, equitable, and diverse modes of transportation.
  • Alignment with IPMI’s Sustainability Framework to reduce congestion, emissions, and environmental impacts to the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit.

Improved access to transportation and mobility for all communities and demographics through:

  • The study, promotion, and application of best practices to promote safety, economic vitality, community well-being, and sustainable mobility.
  • The promotion of effective planning using data driven decision making and quality community engagement.



IPMI promotes the following guidelines to apply the Framework to IPMI and member strategies: 

  • Shift from focusing on moving vehicles to moving people, goods, and service through multiple modes.
  • Provide options and choices of modes for stakeholders based on community needs.
  • Prioritize pedestrian and shared-use mobility, and support safety initiatives, e.g. COVID-19 responses, Complete Streets, Vision Zero and similarly aligned programs.
  • Efficient and environmentally sustainable circulation of passengers, vehicles, goods, and services in traditionally high-traffic areas.
  • Use of visible data and benchmarking information that coordinates to principles and values, and collaboration between stakeholders to make data-driven decisions.
  • Prioritize equitable solutions to provide opportunities to economically disadvantaged or challenged populations.
  • Alignment with organizations operating in the mobility space to collaborate on shared goals and objectives.

IPMI Strategies

IPMI Strategies to Advance the Framework 

IPMI offers tools and programs to promote strategies aligned to these principles, including but not limited to:

  • Researching strategic parking, transportation, and mobility issues and defining best practices.
  • Educating IPMI members and the industry at large.
  • Programming to facilitate information-sharing, including live and virtual events that foster collaboration.
  • Sharing content on innovative programs and pilots that demonstrate mobility solutions across a wide spectrum of communities.
  • Partnering with aligned organizations on content, training, events, and education.

Member Strategies

Member Strategies to Apply the Framework 

IPMI members and the industry may apply strategies to achieve mobility systems with the desired characteristics. These strategies include, but are not limited to:

  • Increased mode options to supplement single-occupant vehicle trips, including first- and last-mile options, active transportation, and micro-mobility solutions.
  • Increased access to real-time transportation and parking data to allow data-based decision-making and measurable outcomes, including data-sharing, specifications, and programming to drive informed decision-making.
  • Develop public relations and communications campaigns around mobility choices for all modes.
  • Increased mobility options and programming for vehicles, fleets, and systems.
    Partnerships that create collaboration across the public and private sectors.
  • Develop and implement best practices for curb lane management and mobility hubs through sharing of case studies and policy examples, including briefs and/or model legislation.
  • Develop and implement curb management to include planning, mapping, monetizing, and managing curb assets to maximize the value and usage of the curb.
  • Methods to benchmark and track impacts of mobility on traffic and parking demand.
  • Programs to incentivize desired behaviors and shift consumer and commuter patterns.
  • Funding strategies to implement TDM programs and projects.


Share your programs, technologies, and innovations with us as we build the future of parking and mobility together!