Man participating in webinarBy Kathleen Federici, MEd

What’s on your mind these days? Our entire team is eager to hear it. This year we have asked for your submissions for our 2021 webinar series. It’s not the call for proposals for our 2021 Conference & Expo (but look for that later this year). It’s also not the Call for Awards – which opens this week and runs through October (we want you to submit for those, too).

Our members are the experts, and as we continue to navigate change as an industry, it’s critical that we hear your perspectives, share your research, and open the door to new ways of thinking (and operating). As with all of our programs, competition is tough, and our members have lots to say. Make your proposal a good one.

Here’s the fine print (this is the part in the commercial where the tiny type scrolls and the random guy starts talking really fast):

  • Submissions will be accepted through August 28, 2020. No extensions (sorry).
  • Topics should be relevant to our industry, and sales pitches and/or product endorsements are forbidden and will not be reviewed.
  • Typically, sessions are an hour of presentation with Q&A and discussion included. If you have a better idea, let us know.
  • Speakers (up to four max) will be on live video during the presentation, with live chat and polling features. (Take the dog out first.)
  • IPMI will notify selected presenters by September 30, 2020. We only have a few slots, but we may have other big ideas for your big idea, too.
  • We will ask you to write a blog post and share your session on social (raise that profile, its good for you.) It’s part of the speaker agreement all presenters will sign when they accept.
  • Presentations will be required to meet educational requirements.

Questions? Contact us at

We truly welcome your ideas, ingenuity, and excitement. We need your vision, your creativity, and your passion for our industry. Thanks so much for all that you contribute each and every day to IPMI, your organization, and the industry. We can’t wait to hear what you have to say.

Kathleen Federici, MEd, is IPMI’s director of professional development.