By Cindy Campbell
The saying goes that “necessity is the mother of invention.” True enough.
We read on a daily basis about the realities of our changing world in response to this pandemic. An abundance of caution is necessary as we try to remain healthy and safe. For most, the pandemic has changed what we do and how we do it. As an IPMI onsite trainer, it has certainly limited my ability to provide training to our industry’s frontline staff. Until now.
Beginning April 24, IPMI is taking our popular frontline, instructor-led training classes online. To meet our members’ needs at this time, we’re approaching this training in a slightly different format: Our standard three-hour trainings have been divided into shorter, one-hour segments.
Timing is everything and like always, we’ll work with you to schedule the courses when it works best for your team. There are two options to participate in the training:
- Schedule an agency-specific training. You choose the dates and times that work best for your team.
- Sign up for a Frontline Friday session. Each Friday for the next five weeks, IPMI will offer two online, one-hour sessions. Class size will be limited, but we’ll work with you if the class you want fills up. Here’s a link to the Frontline Friday calendar.
We’re also excited to be rolling out new content. Kim Jackson, CAPP; Matt Penney; and I have developed timely new sessions appropriate for anyone within your organization:
- Succeeding in a Changing Workplace.
- Effective Business Communication.
- Key Components to Composing Effective Emails.
- Team Dynamics and Organizational Agility.
- Developing Workplace Resilience.
IPMI will offer these frontline development courses through June at a deeply discounted, per-person price: Sign up for a single session for $30 or any combination of three sessions for $75. Class sizes will be limited to create opportunities for conversation and interaction.
We know that our members are facing challenging times. It’s our hope to bring professional development to your team no matter their physical work location.
Please reach out to me directly if you’ve got questions.
Cindy Campbell is IPMI’s senior training and development specialist.