Parking & Mobility, the magazine of the International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI), invites article submissions from members and outside contributors.
Before you write, here are 10 things to remember.

  1. It’s a good idea to let us know ahead of time what you’re thinking about. Email a brief outline of your idea to
  2. We work about three months ahead. Articles for the October issue, for example, are due in mid-July. We usually plan farther ahead than that.
  3. Articles should provide useful how-to information through case studies; share new technologies and their applications; report emerging trends; or discuss relevant and pivotal issues to the parking and mobility industry. They may not promote or sell a company, product, or service (please submit new product releases online at for publication in the Around the Industry section).
  4. All submissions should be sent in Word format. Spotlight articles (usually case studies) are about 1,000 words plus two photos; other features are 1,500 – 2,500 words with multiple photos/charts/graphs/art. We are happy to find art for your story if you don’t have photos.
  5. If you are sending art, please submit original hi-res (300 dpi or better) photos or illustrations in .jpg or .tiff formats. We cannot extract photos or graphs from Word documents! Only submit art that you own or have explicit permission to publish—we cannot use art from the internet. Be sure to send us a headshot of each author, and submit charts/graphs in Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF.
  6. All articles and their elements are subject to editorial review; it is the author’s responsibility to ensure all information is accurate and that proper credit is given when due. We edit all articles for style, format, space, and readability.
  7. All published material is copyrighted and becomes the property of the International Parking & Mobility Institute. Authors will be expected to sign a standard written release. Submission implies that authors agree with IPMI’s policies.
  8. We only publish original pieces. Please do not submit an article that is under consideration, has been accepted, or has been published elsewhere.
  9. All articles are voluntary submissions. There is no payment for publication.
  10. Don’t forget to send us your bio! Name, title, company, and email address.

Please send all submissions to