By Tiffany Smith, MBA
Everyone is returning to work after vacations, holidays or maybe even returning to normal routines after the slowdown from closing out one year and opening another. Jumping back in can be a little challenging. How do you reignite the enthusiasm, motivation, and drive in your team?
This is a great time to have each department reassess its priorities and goals for the year. Ask each department to identify SMART goals to adopt. SMART goals are particularly useful because they cause the department to think about specific objectives (that’s the S) to achieve in the next 12 months.
M=measurable. This forces the department to not consider any goals that can’t be measured and holds them accountable throughout the year.
A=attainable, Few things are more discouraging for a department than to create a goal that is not attainable.
R=realistic. Often, team members in an attempt to be creative and witty will recommend goals that are out of the realm of possibility. Realistic goals, once accomplished. build morale and provide an opportunity to celebrate success.
T=timely. I am a firm believer that anything without a deadline is a dream.
SMART goals create an opportunity for a department to work on items that support its vision and mission. Revisiting these important aspects of any organization on an annual basis provides both focus and direction.
“Anew” is defined as “a new or different and typically more positive way.” Helping your staff see the new year as anew allows them to start a fresh, with a new opportunity to exceed last year’s expectations and set a new barometer for success. Happy Anew Year!
Tiffany Smith, MBA serves as Director of the Parking Authority of River City, Inc. (PARC) in Louisville, KY. Tiffany’s focus is on emphasizing technology, innovation and creative thinking in their parking operations.