Parking, transportation, and mobility professionals – we need you to share your stories!
IPMI is collecting examples of the mobility evolution/revolution from our members and colleagues to share illustrative examples of how cities and campuses are navigating the significant and rapid change in our industry.
Selected case studies may be featured in Parking & Mobility magazine, the IPMI Online Resource Center, and a new publication on mobility.
Studies may address broad planning initiatives or specific programs. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Infrastructure changes to adapt cities and campuses for transportation demand management, multi-modal transportation, micro-mobility choices, and more.
- Policies and initiatives designed to prioritize pedestrians, active transportation, shared-use mobility, and transit over the single-occupant vehicle.
- Technology, strategies, and innovation to achieve asset-light operations, including effectively managing the curb.
- Pilots and programs designed to innovate on a small scale, with lessons learned.
- Any relevant mobility story you would like to share.
To submit, share your story with IPMI:
- Full contact information for the author(s) of the case study.
- Proposed title of case study.
- Narrative of 2,000 to 3,500 words containing:
- Objectives of the selected case study initiatives, programs, etc.
- Detailed description of case study initiatives, programs, etc.
- How the selected programs fit within broader strategic plans/programs
- Key resources deployed (organizational, professional, and technical).
- Statistics, benchmarks and measurements of success.
- Next steps and planning for the future.
- Up to ten great photos or graphics that illustrate your case study (original jpg files). These photos may be shared via google drive or dropbox due to size. Please ensure you submit only art that you created, commissioned, or own—we cannot use graphics found online or that may be copyrighted elsewhere. Please include full photo credit information where appropriate.
Deadline to submit: January 15, 2020.
Email narratives to Rachel Yoka at
**Please note—we can only use original case studies. Narratives that have been published elsewhere will not be used for this project. Case studies must be non-promotional and offer reader takeaways. They may not promote or “sell” a specific company, service, product or technology. Mentions of companies, products, etc., are acceptable but the case study should focus on a project, strategy, etc., that can be wholly or partially replicated elsewhere.