The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure was recently held in Little Rock, Ark., and the city’s parking enforcement division went above and beyond to help out.
The 5K race is run through the heart of the downtown area and has not only the second-largest number of participants of any Race for the Cure in the U.S. but the support of the entire community. The entire race route is lined with spectators cheering on all the participants from the first to the last person to cross the finish line. The City of Little Rock has always enthusiastically supported the race and traditionally hangs race banners from City Hall.
This year, Little Rock Parking Enforcement decided to honor the participants by covering the meters along the race route in pink bags. After numerous inquiries to various providers of meter bags, it was learned that pink meter bags did not exist. Parking enforcement staff, however, were undaunted. Pink merchandise bags were found that were the same size as meter bags. Parking enforcement staff got with workers in the Special Program Section of Public Works and developed their own artwork for the bags. A printer was found who could print the artwork on clear acetate that could then be attached to each bag. An assembly line was formed, and the artwork was carefully attached to each bag. The entire race route, including the assembly area and the area just beyond the finish line, was lined with the custom pink Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure bags.
During the race, many participants stopped to have their pictures taken standing next to one of the covered meters. After the race, many of the participants asked about obtaining one of the bags as souvenirs. As word spread that they could take the bags home, most were eagerly gathered up to be cherished by those who had run past them earlier in the day. It was a great experience for Little Rock!
TPP-2015-12-Little Rock Parking Enforcement Goes All-Out for the Cure